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May Belle Wooden~ ~ ~ 1861-1905
16 June 1905
© Republican News Journal
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan
May Belle Wooden, wife of Sheriff C. W. Wooden, of Kay county, Oklahoma, died last evening about 5 o'clock at the St. Frances hospital in this city(Wichita). Mrs. Wooden was brought here about two weeks ago. She was then in a critical condition and the only hope for recovery was in a surgical operation, but this proved of no avail.
Her husband was with her during the critical period and was at her side when she passed away. The body has been prepared for burial by I. W. Gill and will be taken this morning over the Santa Fe at 8:30 to Newkirk where the funeral will be held. Mrs. Wooden was 44 years of age
© Republican News Journal---June 16, 1905---OBITUARY
Mrs. May Belle Wooden, wife of Charles W. Wooden of this city, died Wednesday evening June 7, at the St. Francis Hospital, Wichita, Kansas, where she had been ill for several weeks.
Such was the word that spread over Newkirk Wednesday night, and notwithstanding the fact that her death within a short time was known to her friends to be certain, death is something for which the healthful living are never prepared, nor were they saved that blighting shock this time.
She had been confined to her home quite some time and as her condition failed to improve, it was decided as highly necessary that she should undergo an operation. Accompanied by her husband she was taken to St. Francis hospital where the operation was made. Unfortunately her strength, due to the inroad disease had made upon it, was not sufficient to assist in making the operation successful. Her passing was without pain or mental agony. Conscious of her condition, she realized that respiration was decreasing and spoke of it.
The deceased was a daughter of Isaac A. and Matilda Adams, and was born in Doniphan County, Kansas, April 23, 1861. She leaves a husband, one son, and five brothers.
Mrs. Wooden was a member of the order of the Daughters of Rebeccah, also the Fraternal Aid Association.
The funeral was held in the Baptist tabernacle in this city, Friday at 2 p.m. and interment was made at the Newkirk Cemetery, the Rev. Shepard officiating.
Charles Wooden, the husband, is the present sheriff of our county, and the son Clyde is the jailer in charge of the county jail. To the family is extended the depest sympathy in their bereavement.

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