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Frank P. Summers ~ ~ ~ 1853-1907 |
August 30 1907 © Democrat - Herald |
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan |
Frank P. Summers was born in Mahaska County, Iowa, September, 1853 and died at his residence four miles northwest of Kildare, August 24, 1907. Mr. Summers was well and active on his farm on the 21st and consequently was sick less than three full days. These days, however, were full of intense suffering.
Frank P. Summers was married to Miss Ida Wells, September 18, 1879. He with his family came to Oklahoma in March 1894. He bought the farm, where he lived and died, and where he had made for his family one of the most improved homes in Kay county. His death was a great shock to the community and the esteem in which he was held was attested by the great throng which attended his funeral last Sunday. Though the day was very warm, yet the procession of buggies and carriages that followed the remains for nine miles to the Newkirk Cemetery was fully a mile long. Rev. A.G. Murray of Kildare, conducted the funeral services at the house. The Odd Fellows of Newkirk and Kildare paid their respects to their esteemed, departed brother by their solemn and impressive services at the grave. The community extend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved wife and children.
Republican News Journal---Aug 30 1907---OBITUARY
Died, Friday, August 23, 1907, at his residence in Kildare Township, Fank P. Summers, one of the leading and best farmers in Kay County. Mr. Summers became overheated the previous Wednesday while stacking alfalfa and drank too much water causing bladder trouble, which resulted fatally. He was owner of a 220 acre farm which was finely improved. He was noted for his progressiveness, always taking an active and substantial interest in crop and stock improvement and being an active worker in the county fair.
He was born in Mahaska County, Iowa, Sept. 1, 1853. He married Ida Wells, Sept. 18, 1879, who survives him. He left three sons, Willis, Bert and Ira, one sister, Mrs. S. Spore now lliving in New Mexico, and two brothers.
The funeral Sunday, August 29, at the farm residence, was one of the largest gatherings that ever took place in Kay County, testifying the substantial regard and high estimation of his friends and neighbors. Rev. A.G. Murray of the M.E. Church, Kildare, where the deceased was a worshiper, preached the funeral sermon. The interment was at Newkirk Cemetery.
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