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Major County, Oklahoma

Russell Dwayne Shupe
© Grace Memorial Chapel
Submitted by: Jo Aguirre

© Grace Memorial Chapel

Dr. Russell Dwayne Shupe, 68, went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on October 31, 2011.

Russell was born on January 14, 1943 in Arkansas City, Kansas the son of Ralph O. and Helen M. Shupe. In 1949 the family moved to Newkirk, Oklahoma where Russell started school on the 1st grade. He graduated from Newkirk High School in 1961. He was active in the band and in sports, especially in track. In the fall n 1961, he entered Oklahoma State University and majored in chemistry. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1965, a Master of Science Degree in 1967 and a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Organic Chemistry in 1969. His major professor during his graduate studies was Dr. K. Darrell Berlin. He was awarded a fellowship from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to help fund his graduate studies. Russell was a member of Phi Lambda Upsilon Honor Society from 19661969 and was on the Presidents Honor Roll in 1967. Russell minored in German, and in 1968 studied German and German history at Schiller College in Bonningheim, West Germany.

After graduation from college, Dr. Shupe went to work for Texaco, Inc. at their production research center in Bellaire, Texas. While at Texaco he directed research on enhanced oil recovery, and discovered a new family of thermallystable, salttolerant surfactants used in chemical flooding processes.

In 1978, Russell joined Conocos production research division in Ponca City, Oklahoma. During his career at Conoco he continued his studies in enhanced oil recovery, specializing in the thermal stability and degradation mechanism of several types of water soluble polymers and surfactants used in field applications. From 1990 to 1995 he was in charge of the CT laboratory, where a medical CT scanner was used to study reservoir rock samples and fluid flow through porous media. Shupe has a total of 16 United States patents and one Canadian patent. He has published 6 technical papers in peerreview scientific journals. On 8 occasions he was an invited speaker at a prestigious scientific conference related to enhanced oil recovery. He was a longtime member of the society of petroleum engineers. On March 31, 1995, Russell retired after a total of 26 years with Texaco and Conoco. He credited the excellent education he received at OSU for his successful and enjoyable professional career in the oil industry.

Russell loved to run and enjoyed running for 49 years. His usual distance was 23 miles per day. His running stopped in 2008 due to health limitations. From 1972 to 1984, Russell was an active tournament chess player. Before retiring from formal competition, he attained a Class A performance rating in the United States Chess Federation. He was fortunate to compete against several International Grand Masters in simultaneous exhibitions. From 1987 to the present, Russell has been an avid golfer. In 2006 he was able to lower his USGA handicap to 8. Russell was a member of the Ponca City Toast Masters Club from 19801990 and enjoyed speaking on politics, religion, science, sports and personal interest topics.

He and his wife Cathy, were members of Northeast Baptist Church since November 14, 1978 when they were both born again. Russell was ordained as a deacon in June, 1996, and served on the churchs Finance Committee for several years.

Russell married the former Catherine V. Eyler, of Corpus Christi, Texas, on April 10, 1971. Russell is survived by his wife, Catherine of the home, a sister, Jan M. McHargue and husband Royce E. McHargue, Sr. of Arkansas City, Kansas and a sisterinlaw, Carmen Molina, of Corpus Christi, Texas. He is also survived by two uncles, Gene Law, of Newkirk, Oklahoma and Lesile James, of Douglas, Arizona. As well as 25 cousins.

Russell was preceded in death by his parents, grandparents, numerous aunts and uncles, and two cousins.

A visitation for family and friends will be held at Grace Memorial Chapel from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, November 4, 2011. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, November, 5, 2011 at Northeast Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma with Dr. Larry Nigh officiating. Burial will follow in the Newkirk, Oklahoma cemetery.

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