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Martha Peters ~ ~ ~ 1891-1956
March 23, 1956
©Ponca City News
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan
Funeral services are pending for Mrs. Martha Marie Peters,64, of 809 West Grand Avenue who died early Friday morning at the Ponca City Hospital. She had been admitted for surgery Thursday.
Born May 28, 1891 at St. Mary's, Kan., she attended school there and graduated from the St. Mary's High School. In 1910 she moved to Newkirk and after living in Illinois, again in Newkirk and later in Leon, Kan., she moved to Ponca City in 1942. For the past 11 years she had been employed by the Continental Oil Company.
Her survivors include a son, Eugene Peters, 401 North Stephen; five sisters, Mrs. Mary Nietert, 220 North Oak; Miss Minnie Pfizenmaier, Newkirk; Mrs. Carrie Grieshaber, St. Mary's; Mrs. Emery Jonhson, St. Mary's, and Mrs. Leo Doern, Portland, Ore.
Services will be arranged by the E. M. Trout and Sons Funeral Home.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in the First Lutheran Church for Mrs. Martha Marie Peters, 64-year-old Ponca City woman who died Friday morning in the Ponca City Hospital. The Rev. A. E. Behrend, pastor, will officiate.
She was born May 28, 1891 at St. Mary's, Kan., and finished high school there. She moved to Newkirk in 1910 and came to Ponca City in 1942. For the past 11 years Mrs. Peters had been an employe of the Continental Oil Company.
Pallbearers will be Ray Franks, Harry Chapman, G. B. Martin, Bill Nelson, Lawrence Tracy and R. A. Capshaw. Burial will be in the Newkirk Cemetery with the E. M. Trout and Sons Funeral Home in charge.

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