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Nettie Leasman~~~1877-1970 |
© Newkirk Herald Journal |
August 13 1970 |
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan |
Funeral services for Mrs. Nettie V. Leasman,93, are pending at Stahl Funeral Service. Mrs. Leasman, formerly of Toronto, Kansas and Newkirk, died August 12, at 10:15 a.m. in Memorial Hospital, Arkansas City, Kansas. She had been a patient there for two weeks, suffering from a broken leg.
Aug 20 1970
Funeral services for Mrs. Nettie V. Leasman, of Toronto, Kansas, were conducted Monday at 2:00 p.m. in the First United Methodist Church, with Rev. Don Waters, minister, officiating. Interment in the Newkirk cemetery was under direction of the Stahl Funeral Service. Serving as pallbearers were Harmon Bliss, Lawrence Suedme (i or f?)er, Charley Rouse, Merle Lesemann, Louis Plumer, and Carl Eisenhauer.
Mrs. Nettie Victoria Leasman was born May 26, 1877 in El Paso, Ill. The daughter of William and Anna Kietz Mohr, and died Auguest 12, 1970 in the Arkansas City hospital. She was a rural Newkirk resident for 35 years. She was married to Eilbert Leasman Feb. 6, 1902 and moved to Saybrook, Ill, and made her home there until coming to Newkirk with her husband in 1906. In March, 1945 she moved with her son to a farm near Toronto, Kansas. Two years ago she retired in Toronto. Her husband died in 1933 and a daughter, Frances Wilma, also preceded her in death in 1927.
Mrs. Leasman was a member of the United Methodist church, and the Golden Star Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star 173 at Toronto.
She is survived by a son, Lawrence, of the home; two daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Hawkins, of Arkansas City, Ks. and Mrs. Margaret Sallee, of Los Angeles, Calif. one brother, Melvin Mohr, of El Paso, Ill. Seven grandchildren; 20 great grandchildren; and two great great grandchildren.
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