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Elizabeth B. Harp ~~~1894-1999
May 30, 1999
© The Ponca City News
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan
NEWKIRK-- Elizabeth B. Harp, 105, former Newkirk resident, died May 30, 1999. Services were held at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at the Newkirk Cemetery.
The daughter of the late John and Maria Grell, Braman, was born in Garner, Iowa, March 22, 1894. The family moved to Oklahoma when Elizabeth was about 6 years old. She had five brothers and 2 sisters.
On December 24, 1915 she married Herman Harp at Newkirk, and they had one daughter, Audine. Mr. Harp died March 15, 1956 and in 1972 Mrs. Harp went to live with her daughter to help care for her son-in-law who had MS. He died in 1984 and Audine died in 1998.
Mrs. Harp was an avid Atlanta Braves fan and did not miss a ball game on television. She was well known for her cooking skills and fierce competition when it came to playig cards with her family. Her death on Memorial Day weekend was significant because it was one of her favorite times, getting together with family and friends. Corresponding with cards and letters was important to her and it paid off because even at 105 she would receive over 80 birthday cards.
Mrs. Harp also had three grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and three great, great, grandchildren. Other local relatives include nephews, Ivan Grell and Orvan Grell, Braman, and nieces, Elaine Fulton and Ann Spore, Newkirk.
Anyone wishing to make a donation in Elizabeth's memory may do so to the Peckham Christian Church, Peckham, Ok. 74632.
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