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Ruth E. Greenhagen ~ ~ ~ 1898-1986
© Ponca City News
Monday Dec. 29, 1986
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan
Ruth E. Greenhagen died Sunday at the Newkirk Nursing Center, where she had resided since 1978. She was 88.
Born Sept. 9, 1898 in Shelby County, Ill., she was the daughter of Michael W. Bare and May Alice Chapman. She attended school in Tower Hill, Ill., and graduated from Tower Hill High School. She attended summer school at three colleges, and later taught school for eight years, including sessions at the OK School.

She married Arthur Greenhagen on Jan. 28, 1925 in Ponca City. The couple settled on a farm near Newkirk, until their retirement in 1956, when they moved into Newkirk. Mr. Greenhagen died May 1, 1975.

Mrs. Greenhagen was a member of the First Christian Church in Newkirk, the VFW Auxiliary, the Kay County World War I Auxiliary, Gold Star Mothers, Inc. of America, and the American Legion Auxiliary.

Survivors include two sons, Eldon K. and Donald, both of Newkirk; one daughter, Mrs. Bernard (LeLola) Martin of Dodge City, Kan.; twelve grandchildren; and 28 great-grandchildren.

In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Leland; one brother, Earl; one grandson, Eddie; and a great-grandson.

Funeral service will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at the First Christian Church in Newkirk. Burial will be in the Newkirk Cemetery, under the direction of the Rindt-Erdman Funeral Home. Casketbearers will be grandsons.

Memorial contributions to her name may be made to the American Cancer Society, through the Eastman National Bank.

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