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John Allen Forsythe
Mar 13, 1837 - May 12, 1901

Newkirk Cemetery

Kay County, Oklahoma
Photo© Dennis Miller
Photo© Dennis Miller

John A. Forsythe ~~~1837-1901
May 16, 1901
The Nardin Star
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan
John A. Forsythe, 64 years, was found dead Monday morning at his home in Tonkawa Township, seven miles southwest of Blackwell. He had a revolver in his hand, with which he had shot himself in the mouth, the bullet going through his head.
It is believed that Forsythe killed himself after brooding over family troubles. He had often intimated that his wife was dead, but the testimony of a niece who was examined at the inquest was to the effect that his wife is still alive and lives in Nebraska.
The deceased was buried at Newkirk Cemetery yesterday under the auspices of the Masonic order of which he was a member.
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