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Isaac L. CARR

Newkirk Cemetery

Kay County, Oklahoma



© Shirley Harlan
Isaac L. Carr
Republician News Journal
April 26, 1901
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan
In Memoriam
After several years of patient suffering endured with Christian fortitude Isaac L. Carr, one of the pioneer settlers of this city and county departed this life at the hour of two o'clock Wednesday April 24, 1901, at his residence in this city. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon from the Presbyterian Church, the services being conducted by Rev. Thos. Harper of Oklahoma City, formerly pastor of the Congregational church of this city. A man much respected by the deceased, also, Rev. H.L. Moore the pastor of the church. Mr. Carr leaves three children to mourn his loss, Mrs. Zucalia Peck of Los Angeles, Leonard Carr of Carthage, Missouri and our esteemed fellow townsman, Mr. Bertram Carr.
The deceased was born September 4, 1849 in Montgomery County, Indiana. He moved from there to Mercer County, Missouri, with his parents in 1851 and in '52 moved to DeWitt County. He married Miss Mary J. Day of Clinton, Illinois, in 1865 and then moved to Iowa where their first child was born. After one year's residence in Iowa they moved to Illinois and remained five years when they moved to Kansas and stayed two years and removed again to Illinois and engaged in farming until 1880 when the removed to Iowa. In 1893 he made the race in the Cherokee Outlet and secured one of the finest claims in the county near this city.
He built two business houses in this city one on the east side of the square where Ferguson Brothers now have their mammoth hardware establishment and the other on the west side where Mrs. Lehman now resides.
Mr. Carr lived on his claim until 1898 since which time until his death he had been a constant sufferer from the stomach trouble of which he died. What he suffered cannot be told, yet he bore it with a true Christian spirit and without murmuring. His death was easy. He was a member of the A.O.U.W. of Iowa.
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