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Charles Ross and Ella T. Ammons

Newkirk Cemetery

Kay County, Oklahoma

Photo © Shirley Harlan
Charles Ross Ammons ~ ~ ~ 1876-1955
© Blackwell Journal Tribune
May 5, 1955
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan
Death Takes C. R. Ammons, Kay Pioneer
Newkirk May 5---Charles Ross Ammons, 78, retired contractor, and pioneer Newkirk resident, died at 9:10 a.m. Thursday here at his home following an extended illness. Arrangements are pending with Stahl Funeral Service in charge.
Mr. Ammons was born Oct. 24, 1876, at Fairview, W.Va., and moved to Seymour, Iowa, with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Ammons. He attended schools there and at Wesley College at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. He was later a law student at the University of Iowa.
At the outbreak of the Spanish American War, he was one of the first to volunteer. He enlisted in Company I of the Second regiment, and received his military training at Camp McKinley at Des, Moines.
He and Mrs. Ammons were married April 30, 1898 at Conjdon, Iowa, and made their home at Seymour for a short time and then moved to Newkirk in the early 1900's. He was in the construction business here and was contractor on building projects in various parts of northern Oklahoma.
He was a member of the Christian Church, Masonic Lodge, White Shrine, Modern Woodmen and Eastern Star
Survivors are his wife, Ella, of the home; a brother, L.C. Ammons, of New York City; three sisters, Mrs. F.A. Gordon, Lemstown, Mont.; Mrs. Isaac Greesley, Pittsburg, Kans., and Mrs. A.L. Roth, Long Beach, Calif.; three nephews and two nieces.
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