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Winter Moon Dowell
© Grace Funeral Home
Submitted by: Sharon

© Grace Funeral Home

Winter Moon DOWELL

Newkirk Cemetery

Winter Moon Dowell
January 24, 2023 - September 30, 2023

Winter was born on January 24, 2023 in Stillwater, Oklahoma to the parents of Christianna Hernandez and Robert Dowell. Winter went from her mama’s arms on earth to her father’s arms in Heaven on September 30, 2023. She was in Children’s Mercy in Kansas City, Missouri, due to a liver transplant.

Everyone who knew Winter knows she loved to yell at her doctors and nurses, watching On My Block with her mama and Aunt Monica. Winter loved when her Godfather Daniel would sing Two Dozen Roses to her. Winter loved country music the most, she was stubborn, her attitude was always shown, loved her stuffed toys, her uncle Chay, and her favorite color was purple. OU Children’s Hospital gave her the nickname “Little Houdini”.

Those left behind to cherish her memory are her mother, Christianna, Godfathers Daniel and Jeff; Godmothers Brandi and Alicia, siblings Ranah, Jeremiah, and Sapphire Dowell; grandma Nora, Grandma Crystal, and twin Grandma’s Bobbi & Bernice Burns; aunties and uncles.

Winter was preceded in death by her father, Robert Dowell; maternal grandfather Jack, maternal great-grandparents Roxie and Mosey Cornell, paternal grandparents Babe, Glenn, and Stella.

The family would like to give special thanks to OU Children’s Hospital and Children’s Mercy Hospital.

Services for Winter will take place on Wednesday October 4th, 2023, 2p.m. at the Ponca Indian Methodist Church with Pastor Jimmy White officiating. Interment will follow at Newkirk City Cemetery.

We love you Mitaige!

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