Rhoda Houston Blackwell Sun November 7, 1907 Submitted by: Peggy Zabel
Died at her home on east Blackwell Avenue, at 3 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1907, Mrs. J. S. Houston.
She had been ill for a long time and her death was not unexpected, though a great shock to the family and friends.
Funeral services at the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. T.F. Barrier. Interment in Odd Fellows cemetery.
Mrs. J. S. Houston died at the family residence on East Blackwell avenue, in this city, at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning of last week. Mrs. Houston had been a sufferer for the past five years and since April this year had been confined to her room, but only for a short time past had her condition been such as to preclude the hope of her recovery.
The family moved to town from the farm two years ago that she might have better care and more prompt attention, but their care awarded but little as she had been a constant sufferer, and nothing seemed to afford her permanent relief.
The funeral was held at the Presbyterian Church, Wednesday afternoon, at 2:30, the pastor, Rev. Thos. F. Barrier, officiating, and the choir of that church furnishing the music. The theme was "She Fell Asleep," the suggestion coming from the passage in scripture, "He Fell Asleep," and was a beautiful and touching review of her life, showing the unselfishness of her character; her great love and sacrifices for family and friends, and her consistent devotion to the work of the Master. Though a constant sufferer she was courageous and ever thoughtful of others, and she lived such a life that she expressed the hope that when the end came it could be said of her, "She hath done what she could."
She had with her at the end her immediate family, her devoted mother who had come all the way from her home in Pennsylvania to minister to and comfort her, and a brother and his wife from Southern Oklahoma.
Many of the friends from the vicinity of their farm home attended the funeral as did several of the faculty of scholars of the University Preparatory School at Tonkawa, of which Coral and William Houston are members, as well as the friends in this city.
The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful - two from the Preparatory school, one from the Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church of this city, and three from the Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church of which Mrs. Houston was, while in health, a most helpful member, and a number from friends and acquaintances. Even more appreciated by the family than the floral tributes were the spoken words of sympathy and consolation and the hand clasps that carried with them a sympathy just as sincere, although unspoken.
The interment was in I.O.O.F. cemetery, south of the city, and many attested their sympathy and esteem by accompanying the bereaved family to pay the last tribute.
{Tombstone says Rhoda J. Sep 7 1855-Nov 5 1907}
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