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Eliza Hollingshead ~ ~ ~ 1871-1942
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan

Death comes to Mother of City Woman at Ponca

Mrs. E. L. Hollingshead Webster, 71, died at 2 p.m. Monday in the Ponca City hospital. The body was brought to the Fyffe funeral home here. Funeral services will be held at the Christian church at 2 p.m. Thursday.

Mrs. Webster had been ill for several months

She came to Oklahoma with her husband, John Hollingshead, in 1900 from Missouri and they settled on a farm in western Oklahoma before moving to Blackwell in 1912.

Survivors include five children, C.C. Hollingshead of Los Angeles, Calif., L.R. Hollingshead of Liberal, Kans., Mrs. Fred Morgan of Ponca City, Mrs. Homer Whitted of Wichita, Kans., and Mrs. Glenn Moore of Blackwell, in whose home Mrs. Webster had made her residence the past few months.

Survivors also are two sisters, Mrs. Larn Davis of Blackwell, and Mrs. El Halbert of Arnett; two brothers, P.M. Coleman and Jessie Coleman, both of Blackwell and seven grandchildren.

© Blackwell Journal Tribune
August 11, 1942
Eliza Lavisa Coleman was born in Crawford county, Missouri, Oct. 17, 1871.

She was married to John R. Hollingshead in 1893. To this union were born five children, Claude, Ben, Ruth, Lucille, and Tessie.

Mr. and Mrs. Hollingshead moved to Oklahoma in 1900 and pioneered a home in the western part of the state. She was a member of the First Christian Church, baptized at Gage in 1912 and was an active church worker.

She passed away at the Ponca City hosital Aug. 10, 1942 at the age of 70 years, nine months and 24 days.

She was preceded in death by her husband 15 years ago, the date of his death being Sept. 5, 1927

She leaves two brothers and two sisters, P.M. Coleman and Jess Coleman of Blackwell. Mrs. Larn Davis of Steelsville, Mo. and Mrs. El Halbert, Arnett. She had 7 grandchildren and a host of friends.

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