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Verden Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

© Cheryl Travis
© Cheryl Travis

Ella M. Tate

Verden Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Sandi Carter

© The Verden News
Verden, Oklahoma
July 16, 1910

Eli M. Tate

The icey hand of death stilled the sufferings of Eli Tate, a young man, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Tate, who reside northwest of Verden, on Monday morning at two o'clock after an illness of several weeks duration. The young man had been a sufferer for several weeks, the cause of his affliction being tuberculosis of the kidneys, and had been confined to his bed a greater part of the time for the past month or more. The end came quietly and peacefully, the patient surrendering himself to the will of his Creator. He bore his suffering with patience and fortitude and is at rest, that eternal rest that awaits those who place their trust in Him who doeth all things well.

The deceased was born August 15, 1883, being at the time of his death 26 years, 10 months and 26 days old. He leaves to mourn, a father and mother and 4 brothers and 5 sisters. The funeral services were conducted from the M. E. church in Verden, Monday evening, Rev. J. J. Bailey having charge. Interment occurred in the Verden cemetery.


We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the people of Tennessee and Verden for the kindness shown us during the illness of our dear son and brother who passed to his reward on the night of July the 11, 1910. We earnestly pray that God may bless, protect and keep you in the center of his dear will.


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