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George Cleve McVey
© Tammie Chada


Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by:
Sandi Carter

© The Verden News
3 November 1966

George Cleve McVey


Funeral services for George Cleve McVey were held Friday, Oct. 28, at 2:30 p.m. in the First Methodist Church with the Rev. and Mra. A. B. Hickman officiating.

Mrs. Harry Dodson, Mrs. W. A. Finley, Mrs. Dale Henricks and Mrs. Max Upchurch, accompanied by Mrs. Donald Brown at the piano, sang, "Rock of Ages," "Beautiful Isle" and Safe in the Arms of Jesus."

Casket bearers were cousins of the deceased. They were John McVey, Arthur McVey, Will McVey, Bert McVey, Billie R. McVey and Parker Woodall. Honorary pallbearers were Joe Clement, Ray Hollar, Kenneth West, Bill Woods, Dank Pitts, C. B. Dabney, Donald Graham and Boy Scouts.

Interment was in the Verden Cemetery under the direction of the Hansen Funeral Home.

McVey was born August 27, 1910 on the farm of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve McVey, west of Verden and resided there his entire life. He died on Oct. 24, 1966 at Willow Grove, Pa., where he had been attending a Scout Master's School. He had been a Scout Master for the past 22 years. He was a member of the Methodist Church, the Masonic Lodge and the Lion's Club.

Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Helen McVey of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Virginia Gooden of Apache and Mrs. Marjorie Pace of Verden; two nephews and one niece, family all of Verden, Sam Schmidt and family of Oklahoma City and Mrs. Dan Smith (Leta) and family of DeRitter, La.

Other relatives from Kansas and Missouri were present. There were 80 guests.

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