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Verden Cemetery

Verden, Oklahoma

© Sandi Carter

James Henry "Jim" Gentry

Verden Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Sandi Carter

© The Verden News
Verden, Oklahoma
June 21, 1918

James Henry "Jim" Gentry
February 7, 1867 ~ June 10, 1918

ames H. Gentry was born in Smithville, Nodaway county, MO., February 7, 1877, and died in the Christian church hospital at Kansas City, Mo., June 10th 1918.

He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gentry.

In October, 1908 he was married to Miss Annie Smith at Chickasha, to which union was born five children : Elmer S., 13 years, Alice, age 12, Clyde B., age 10, Florence, age 8, and Mildred, age 7.

Besides his wife and children he leaves a father and mother and two sisters, Mrs. Harry Motherspaw and Mrs. Carol Winters, both of Kansas City. His brother Gene preceded him to that better world a few years ago.

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