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Alex Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

© Shirley Horn Bray

Mary Ruth Huff


Alex Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Shirley Horn Bray

© Alex Tribune
Alex, Oklahoma
Friday, November 14, 1919

Mary Ruth Huff
February 2, 1913 ~ November 8, 1919

Little Child Dies Suddenly - Mary Ruth, the little 6 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Huff was found dead Saturday afternoon at the family home southwest of town. She was missed by the family after dinner and a search was made finding her sitting with her head resting on her hand...dead.

The little body was laid to rest in the Morris Cemetery Sunday afternoon. A short service conducted by Rev. Williamson, was held at the grave. Mr. and Mrs. Huff have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their little girl, who went away so suddenly that they can scarcely realize that she will be with them no more on earth.

May the words of our Saviour who said "Suffer children to come unto me and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God" bring peace to their troubled souls.

Mr. and Mrs. Huff and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends for their help and the expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement, and to assure them that they are greatly appreciated.

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