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News Article

Alex Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Shirley Horn Bray

© Alex Tribune
Alex, Oklahoma
Friday, October 1, 1909

Kyle H. Collison
Unknown ~ September 1909

Alex Tribune, Alex, Grady Co., OK, Friday, Oct. 1, 1909 - Accidental Drowning - That Kyle H. Collison, whose body was found in the Washita river last Friday morning by Archie Southern, came to his death by accidental drowning was the conclusion reached by the jury empanelled to investigate the case.

The body was taken from the river Friday afternoon and brought to Alex, where the investigation was made. The corpse was in a badly decomposed state and it was necessary to bury him that night which was done, the interment being in Morris cemetery southwest of town.

On his person was found a letter with the receiving stamp of Bradley of the date of Sept. 20, four days before he was found in the river. The letter was from his father, mother and young brother in Dayton, Ohio.

Mr. Collison had been staying at the Ireton place east of here, living in a tent, being employed to husk corn. There were other letters from home found among his effects at the camp, and from a careful examination of some one gets the impression that his folks are poor working people of Dayton, that his father had been out in Kansas this summer and had returned and every letter carried parental admonition to take care of himself and not be killed. It seems the homefolks had an idea that the west was a very dangerous place to live in, and the frequent ……….. of Kyle Collison showed plainly that this was constantly on their minds.

The mother's letter in the dead man's pocket was full of love, advising him to keep out of bad company, to keep up his appearance so that if he got sick or died he could be brought home and to come home.

The officers telegraphed the news to Dayton last Friday. The body was recovered by Alex men, with Jos.Roland at the head, and the investigation was under the supervision of Justice Colleps. Deputy Sheriff Yearta was sent down from Chickasha to take charge of the case.

The decision of the jury is the opinion of all who have given the subject careful thought. It is apparently plain that young Collison attempted to cross the river and got in over his depth and was unable to make the other bank.
© Alex Tribune
Alex, Oklahoma
Friday, November 12, 1909

Kyle H. Collison

.Body Taken Home - Saturday last the body of K. H. Collison, found in the Washita last September and buried in the Morris cemetery, was disinterred and shipped to Dayton, Ohio, for final burial. :

Mrs. Collison, mother of K. H., was in Chickasha last week, coming from her home in Ohio after the body. She stated that she believed her son was murdered, that she had received no word of his death until some time after the finding of the body. :

However sympathetic all Alex people must feel for the unhappy parent, we must correct the erroneous impression left by Mrs. Collison's remarks. A telegram and a registered letter were sent to Mrs. Collison on the day of the finding of the body and everything was done that could be done to investigate his death. No doubt exists in the minds of those conversant with the facts that the coroner's jury's verdict of accidental drowning is correct.

Had any suspicion of foul play entered any one's mind no people on earth would have more willingly assisted in digging up the truth. Hence we all deplore the attitude of the grieving mother, and trust that all false impressions may be corrected.

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