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McGee Cemetery

11702 N County Road 3400
Stratford, Garvin County, Oklahoma

If you have family or friends buried in this cemetery and
would like to add their names and information, please send
an e mail to Sandi Carter area coordinator.

N ~ O Surnames

N Surnames

Section __NALEPKALenda Mae [Ragland]26/Jul/1941
Vanoss OK
Dau of Pete & Jewell [McConnell] Ragland
Wife of Unknown Nalepka
Award-winning master cake decorator
Vondel L. Smith Mortuary ~ OK City OK
Section 4 Row 2NEADLena [Carr]28/Jan/190116/Jan/1992 
Section 17 Row 2NEALElbert Hershel17/Sep/1913
Union Valley OK
Ada OKHusb of Mary Elizabeth [Willis] Neal
Section 17 Row 2 NEALMary Elizabeth [Willis] 03/Feb/1910
McLennan CO TX
Ada OK
Wife of Elbert Hershel Neal
Section 7 Row 3NEALZakary Jaie21/Aug/1968120/Jul/1985 
Section 9 Row 3NEASEElla Jane "Janie" [Glance]189914/Feb/1959
Ada OK
Dau of Hunter Alexander & Maggie Lu [Patterson] Glance
Wife of William Arch Nease
Section 6 Row 3NELMSCora M. [Jones]07/May/193301/Sep/2001 
Section 19 Row 4NELSON~DAVIDSONEretta06/Apr/191616/Nov/2000Wife of
[1] Warren Nelson
Wed 16/Jan/1935
[2] Unknown Davidson
Section 2 Row 1NEUKIRCHNEREffie May06/Mar/192208/Nov/1923"Dau of C. E. &. B. Neukirchner"
Section 3 Row 6NEWBERRYSarah M.24/Aug/182321/Aug/1899 
Section 7 Row 2NEWBYCleo Irene [Brecheen]20/Jan/1920
Maxwell OK
Ada OK
"Wed Mar 18, 1934" "Mother"
SS/W & Wife of Doyle Samuel Newby
Section 7 Row 2NEWBYDoyle Samuel30/Dec/1915
Ada OK
"Wed Mar 18, 1934" "Father" SS/W & Husb of Cleo Irene [Brecheen] Newby
Section 7 Row 2NEWBYEady A.18831943 
Section 7 Row 2NEWBYSam H.18781972 
Section 2 Row 10NEWCOMBHelen M.  Hard To Read Homemade Marker
Section 15 Row 1NEWPORTBobby Dale29/Apr/193403/Jan/1994 
Section 18 Row 3NEWPORTClyde C.20/Nov/190806/Jan/1976Husb of Nora Leona Newport
Section 18 Row 3NEWPORTNora Leona04/Oct/191029/Dec/1994Wife of Clyde C. Newport
Wed 14/Apr/1929
Section 15 Row 1NEWPORTTammie Lou05/Dec/1943  
Section 6 Row 5NEWTONAlice Mae11/Mar/187511/Oct/1970"Wife of Frank Charley Newton"
Section Row NEWTONFrank Charley15/Oct/187809/Apr/1956Husb of Alice Mae Newton
Section 6 Row 5NICHOLSDenver L.23/Apr/190706/Dec/1941 
Section 19 Row 4NICHOLSElsie Dimple124/Feb/191928/Jan/2002Wife of Othell Eugene Nichols
Section Row NICHOLSErnest L.19/Nov/189901/Oct/1987 
Section Row NICHOLSHannah18801945"Wife of Louis Nichols"
Section 9 Row 1NICHOLSJames Franklin26/Jul/188002/Aug/1961
SS/W & Husb of Zenar [West] Nichols
Section 6 Row 5NICHOLSLouis G.18801966 
Section 19 Row 4NICHOLSOthel Eugene25/Feb/191804/Apr/1990 
Section 9 Row 1NICHOLSZenar [West]04/Mar/1888
Gilmer TX
Stratford OK
Dau of Matthew S. & Mattie Kay West
SS/W & Wife of James Franklin Nichols
Wed 1904
Dunn Funeral Home ~ Sulphur OK
Section 15 Row 2NOBLEErnest Jr23/Apr/1923
Pontotoc CO OK
Ada OK

"US Army ~ World War II ~ Korea"
S/O Ernest & Mary Lena [Donaho] Noble
Husb of Donna [Holmes] Noble
Wed 02/Aug/1971 New Braunfels TX
Pickard Funeral Home ~ Stratford OK
Section 15 Row 2NOBLEErnest T.07/May/190128/Apr/1990"Wed Oct 1, 1921" "Parents of Ernest Jr, Paschell, Jeanne, Connie, Ethlyene, Bob, Ruth, Tommy, Elaine, Barbara"
SS/W & Husb of Lena M. Nble
Section 7 Row 1NOBLEEunice B.04/Dec/190520/Nov/1985 
Section 15 Row 2NOBLELena M.28/Feb/190417/Oct/1999"Wed Oct 1, 1921" "Parents of Ernest, Jr., Paschell, Jeanne, Connie, Ethlyene, Bob, Ruth, Tommy, Elaine, Barbara"
SS/W & Wife of Ernest T. Noble
Section 7 Row 1NOBLELula B.27/Jul/187422/Apr/1947 
Section 13 Row 1NOBLEPaschell Aaron19/Sep/1925
Stratford OK
Stratford OK
Son of Ernest & Mary Lena [Donaho] Noble
Husb of Lavada Joy [Husband] Noble
Wed 1968
Cowley~Krien Funeral Home ~ Sulphur OK
Section 7 Row 1NOBLEThomas Otto14/Sep/187313/Jun/1955 
Wayne OK
Stratford OK
Age 68 24 Dys
Pickard Funeral Home ~ Stratford OK
Section 14 Row 1NORCROSSFred Stephenson III09/Nov/192631/Mar/1926
"Capt US Marine Corps ~ World War II" "Wed July 22, 1957" "Our children ~ Gail Y., Shona D. & Terry R."
SS/W & Husb of Mildred D. [Gallup] Norcross
Section 14 Row 1NORCROSSMildred D. [Gallup]12/Mar/1933 "Wed July 22, 1957" "Our children ~ Gail Y., Shona D. & Terry R."
SS/W & Wife of Fred Stephenson Norcross III
Section 4 Row 1NUNLEYHubert Leo28/Mar/192009/Nov/1971
"Oklahoma Sgt US Army Air Forces ~ World War II"
Husb of Myrtle Nunley
Section 4 Row 1NUNLEYMyrtle11/Aug/1915 Wife of Hubert Leo Nunley
Wed 05/Oct/1940
Section 20 Row 1NUNNRebeccah Jeaneace03/Feb/197427/Feb/1974 
Section 1 Row 2NYEWhit Wilson Houser27/Mar/1854
Stratford OK
2nd Husb of Maybelle [Easley] Crawford Nye Simmons Jensen
Buried Duncan Cemetery Duncan OK

Section __O'BRYANTBrier Michael20/---/200219/Aug/2006Son of Jeffery William & Alicia Marie [Allen] O'Bryant
Pickard Funeral Home ~ Stratford OK
Section 17 Row 2O'BRYANTCharles W.14/Oct/193214/May/1982"Son"
Section 17 Row 2O'BRYANTElla11/Aug/191117/Apr/1989Wife of Warren Gene O'Bryant
Wed 12/Sep/1929
Section 17 Row 2O'BRYANTWarren Gene23/Oct/190320/Sep/1980Husb of Ella O'Bryant
Section 1 Row 11ODOMEliza M.18661912 
Section 3 Row 11
Woodmen Memorial
Farmerville LA
Garvin CO OK
Son of Benjamin Franklin & Emma [Tucker] Odom
Section 1 Row 5ODOML. H.  Homemade marker
Section Row ODOMMatthew22/Mar/185926/Dec/1932Hard To Read Homemade Marker
Section Row ODOMRudolph03/Mar/190826/Mar/1913"Son of B. F. & Larka Odom"
Section 5 Row 4ODOMW. F.09/Jul/188919/Feb/1932Homemade Marker
Section 8 Row 4OLINGERAlbert Mayland11/Feb/1934
Lamar MO
Lindsay OK

"Cpl US Army ~ Korea"
Section 20 Row 2OLIVERCora M. "Dot"18/Dec/189218/Jan/1990Wife of Jess B. Oliver
Wed 16/Jun/1918
Section 18 Row 1OLIVEREmma Gene20/Nov/1929 "Married Nov 21, 1946" "Parents of Gayle & Gary"
SS/W & Wife of James Bill Oliver
Section 18 Row 1OLIVERGary Lynn "Bub"08/Aug/195015/Feb/1981
"SP 4 US Army" "Rest Is Thine, Sweet Remembrance Ours
Section 18 Row 1OLIVERGenie Lynn25/Oct/197517/Jan/1976"Daughter of Gary & Lynn Oliver"
Section 18 Row 1OLIVERGlennita "Lynn"19/Apr/195215/Feb/1981
"Wife of Gary Lynn, RN" "Parents of Genie Lynn & Stephanie Lynn"
Section 18 Row 1OLIVERJames Bill03/Feb/192626/Dec/2001
"US Navy ~ World War II" "Married Nov 21, 1946" "Parents of Gayle & Gary"
SS/W & Husb of Emma Gene Oliver
Section 20 Row 2OLIVERJess B. "Bert"16/Jan/189423/Nov/1971Husb of Cora M. "Dot" Oliver
Section 2 Row 2OLIVERLafayette "Fate"22/Mar/1869
Son of David & Mary Ann [Luch] Oliver
Husb of Mary Ella [Lyons] Oliver
Section 2 Row2 OLIVERMary Ella [Lyons]16/Jun/1870
Harrison CO KY
Section 2 Row 2OLIVERWorth A.18/Aug/190524/Mar/1922 
Section 18 Row 1OPTIZJune15/Jun/1924 "God is Love"
Wife of Rudy M. Optiz
Section 18 Row 1OPTIZRudy M.24/Jul/191627/Dec/1979"Love One Another As Jesus Loves You"
Hisb of June Optiz
Section 2 Row 3ORPHITLucielle17/Dec/192515/Dec/1929Homemade Marker
Section __OTTElmer Z. "Son"13/Apr/1936
Stratford OK
Norman OK
Son of John Clifford & Gladys Marie [Endicott] Ott
SS/W & Husb of Jimmie Lou [Wilmot] Ott
Pickard Funeral Home ~ Stratford OK
Section 4 Row 3OTTGertrude Leora "Gertie" [Holmes]02/Apr/1894
Cullman CO AL
Stratford OK
"Mother" "Gone But Not Forgotten"
Dau of Carroll Washington & Martha Amanda [Millican] Holmes
Wife of William Glee Ott
Section __OTTJimmie Lou [Wilmot]11/Dec/1940 SS/W & Wife of Elmer Z. "Son" Ott
Wed 04/Aug/1962 Pauls Valley OK
Section 14 Row 1OTTJohn Brian01/Jan/197128/May/1990"Beloved Son Our Gift of Love Forever"
Section 4 Row 3OTTJohn Clifford30/Jun/1917
Bearden OK
Stratford OK
Son of William Glee & Gertrude Leora "Gertie" [Holmes] Ott
Husb of Gladys Marie Endicott] Ott
Section __OTTJohn Lee08/Aug/1892
Yellville AR
Stratford OK
Son of Zim & Drucella Savannah [Morgan] Ott
Husb of Rosa M. [Attaberry] Ott
Wed 24/Feb/1920 Hughes CO OK
Twin to William Glee Ott
Section __OTTStephen Lynn14/Oct/194708/Aug/2010"The Lord is my Shepherd" 
Section 3 Row 10OWENSAgnes Ann15/Feb/190909/Mar/1912"Daughter of J. W. & Edna Owens"
Section 17 Row 2OWENSAnne Estelle [Nichols]11/Mar/191102/Jan/2001 
Section3 Row 10OWENSDonal Maurice07/Aug/191110/Aug/1911"Son of J. W. & Edna Owens" 
Section 17 Row 2OWENSHaskell Louis20/Oct/191305/Mar/1982 
Section 3 Row 10OWENSInfant24/May/190731/May/1907"Son of J. W. & Edna Owens"
Section 3 Row 10OWENSWilliam F.20/Jul/182020/Jan/1901 

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