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Charles E. SMITH |
© Enid, Garfield Co., OK September 01, 1973 |
Submitted by: Lois BURDICK |
Charles E. SMITH 82, 1729 E. Pine, died Saturday in a local nursing home after a brief illness.
Born Sept. 28, 1892 in Mina, PA, he was reared there and attended school. When a young man he began working for the Pennsylavania Railroad. Prior to WW1 he came to Oklahoma to work in the oil fields. He enlisted in the U. S. Army in 1918 and served in France with the infantry. Following his discharge he returned to Oklahoma and worked as a tool dresser in the oil fields of Oklahoma and Texas. He had worked in Tulsa and Garber fields.
Mr. Smith married the former Millie Klopfenstine on June 28, 1930. They came to Enid in 1951, where he was employed by the Hume Moter Co., and later Fidelity, They have lived here since that time.
He was a member of Davis Park Christian Church , The Veterans of Foreign Wars and The American Legion
Survivors include, his wife, Millie, one son, Richard of NY; four step daughters, Mrs. Nancy Kerschner, Homestead, FL; Mrs. Ray J. ( Pearl ) Gibson of, OKC, OK; Mrs. Gertie Letcher, Amarillo, TX; and Mrs Rose Hume, of Enid ; seven grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren, and two gr gr grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one brother, and one sister.
Funeral services will be conducted at 3 p m in the Henninger-Allen Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Charles Gipson officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of the Henninger-Allen Funeral Home.
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