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Ewald E. SCHULTZ |
Enid Morning News Enid, Garfield Co., OK |
April 29, 1980 |
Submitted by: Lois Burdick |
Funeral for Ewald E. Schultz,64, of 710 East Locust, who died in a local hospital Tuesday evening will be 10 a.m. in Emanuel Lutheran Church in Breckinridge, OK, with Rev. Carlton Kjergaard officiating. Burial will be in the Memorial Park Cemetry, Enid under the direction of Henninger-Allen Funeral Home.
Schultz was born Jan. 26, 1916 in Breckinridge to T. J. and Hulda Nerenberg Schultz. On April 27, 1039 he married Rosa Cagle at Medford. The couple moved to Enid in 1950 from Breckinridge.
Schultz was a aircraft machinist at Vance Air Force Base for the past 20 years and a member of Emanuel Lutheran Church of Breckinridge.
Survivors are his wife Rosa of the home; his mother Hulda Schultz of Breckinridge; three daughters, Mrs. Gary (Lois) Smith of Wichita, KS, Mrs. Roger (Fern) Halm and Carol Nivison both of Enid; a brother, Harold Schults of Enid and eight grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his father.
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