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Enid News and Eagle Enid, Garfield Co., OK |
11-19-2008 |
Submitted by: Jo Aguirre |
The funeral for Floyd C. Robinson, 71, of Enid, will be 3:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 21, 2008, at House of Prayer. The Rev. Alvin Dalton will officiate. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery. Arrangements are by Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home.
He was born Dec. 15, 1936, in Seneca, Mo., to James Albert and Bulah Mae Robinson and died Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2008.
He attended school in the Seneca area. He served in the Army from 1953-1961, as Staff Sergeant in Germany, Korea and Italy, and received the Purple Heart in Korea. He married Nancy Ellen Clark May 15, 1972, in California. After the service he was a self-employed carpenter. He helped build the basement of St. Mary's Regional Medical Center. He also farmed wheat and raised cattle.
Surviving are his wife, Nancy of the home; five daughters, Ellenia McLemore of Lubbock, Texas, Paula R. Brooks and Tina M. Smith, both of Enid, Pamela K. Smart of Oklahoma City, Angel D. Lott of Fort Wayne, Ind.; three sons, L. Keith Crawford of Lubbock, Johnny L. Houston and James R. Fitzsimmons, both of Enid; 31 grandchildren; and 30 great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by two brothers.
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