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Cynthia C. RIGGS |
Enid News and Eagle Enid, Garfield Co., OK |
March 18, 2012 |
Submitted by: Lois Burdick |
Funeral for Cynthia “Cindy” C. Riggs, 46, of Enid, will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, with Rev. Kenneth Wade officiating. Burial will follow in Memorial Park Cemetery under direction of Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home.
Cindy was born September 18, 1965, in Enid to Virgil and Phyllis Timm Schoeling and passed away Friday evening March 16, 2012, in St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center surrounded by family and a multitude of friends.
Cindy graduated from Pioneer High School in 1983. She married Mike Riggs November 17, 1984, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Cindy was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, where she was baptized at a young age. She was confirmed at Trinity Lutheran Church.
She worked in child care for more than 20 years, with 10 of those years in Tulsa and the rest at Sand Box Learning Center in Enid. All little children were special to her.
Cindy is survived by her husband Mike of the home; children Kevin (Kala) Riggs of Enid and Rebecca and Andrew Riggs, mother Phyllis and stepfather Wayne Blaser, brother Wayne (Becky) Schoeling and sister Timberly Schoeling, all of Enid; two grandchildren, Daniel and Sharly; two stepgrandchildren, Jadon and Zack; her father- and mother-in-law, Dale and Charlene Riggs; and numerous other family.
She was preceded in death by her father, Virgil Schoeling; stepfather Harold Pritchard; and grandparents Otto and Olive Timm and Eardhardt and Pauline Schoeling.
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