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Norma Joyce Howard Reusser |
Enid News and Eagle Enid, Garfield Co., OK |
Submitted by: Lois Burdick |
The funeral service for Norma J. Reusser, 73 year-old Enid resident will be Monday, February 27, at 2:00PM in the First Baptist Church, 401 W. Maine St. The Revs. Keith Miller and Greg Hook will officiate. Burial will follow in Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Henninger-Hinson Funeral Home. Visitation with family will be Sunday from 2PM-4PM in the Henninger-Hinson Chapel. Norma was born September 2, 1938 in El Reno, OK., to Otto O, and Lola D. (Patterson) Howard and died Wednesday, February 22, 2012 in Northwest Specialty Hospital surrounded by her family.
She attended local schools and graduated from El Reno High School. She attended college first in Bethany, OK. and then at Phillips University where she was a music major and played the organ in the Chapel Choir. On July 30, 1959 she married Lee E. Reusser in the Bible Baptist Church. The couple made their first home in Anahiem, CA. where Norma worked in an Orange Packing Plant as well as playing organ and piano at Orange Avenue Baptist Church, and the Downey Baptist Temple. The couple returned to Enid where Norma played organ and piano for Bible Baptist, Trinity Baptist, New Hope Baptist, the First Baptist Church for 13 years, and finally at Garland Road Baptist Church.
She was a long-time member of First Baptist Church, The Guild of St. Margaret of Scotland, American of Royal Decent, Enid Chapter DAR, Enid Past Regent DAR, Robert Co Chapter Colonial Dames 20th Century, Oklahoma Division Magna Carta Dames, Somerset Barons, and the Oklahoma Society Mayflower descendants. She was also a member of the Garfield County Genealogical Society, which was her greatest hobby. She is survived by her husband Lee, of the home and daughter Sharla and husband Joe Wood of Enid, and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her brother Roy Bogue, and her sister Carolyn Hood.
Memorials may be made to either First Baptist Church or Garland Road Baptist Church through the funeral home.
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