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Enid News and Eagle Enid, Garfield Co., OK |
Submitted by: By Family |
Irma was born in a log home in the sandy hills north and west of Ringwood, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, on January 4, 1913 to Michael & Priscilla B. (Diller) Frickel. She and her five sisters and one brother were raised on the 160-acre homestead that her parents farmed successfully, enduring and overcoming the many hardships of pioneer life in the Cherokee Strip. The homestead was located in the NW quarter of Section 2, Township 23 North, Range 10 West of Indian Meridian.
Irma attended elementary school in a one-room schoolhouse near the home place, but she attended high school in Ringwood. After completing only through grade eleven of high school she worked domestically on various farms in the Ringwood area and for Roy and Louise Bickford of Helena. Her family attended the Carwile Wesleyan Methodist Church (NW of Ringwood), and this is where she met her husband, Furman H. Fullingim. She and Furman were married 26 Nov 1939 in Ponca City, OK, where Furman's Uncle John Bond performed the marriage. After their marriage they moved to Enid, Oklahoma, where her husband was employed by the Frisco Railroad until his retirement, and she herself worked for Newman's Department Store for ten years. While raising her own family of two sons, Irma was always an active participant and member of The First Wesleyan (Methodist) Church of Enid. Her older son now resides in Skiatook, Oklahoma, and her younger son in Bartlesville. Irma has four grandchildren. Irma has always enjoyed reading and memorizing The Bible, and in times past her hobbies included quilting and also crocheting doilies. In recent years, however, her hobby has turned to crocheting afghans, and she has graciously shared her colorful creations with many people.
Irma died at the age of 80 on 28 Dec 1993 in the hospital at Bartlesville, OK. For the last six years she had been residing at the Heritage Villa Nursing Center in Bartlesville. Services were set for 11:00 a.m. on Friday at the Cedar Ridge Wesleyan Church of Enid, Oklahoma, under the direction of Henninger-Allen Funeral Home. Irma was survived by her two sons, Dr. and Mrs. Dean Fullingim, and Dr. and Mrs. Mike Fullingim, four grandchildren, Kurtis and Kimberly Fullingim, and Jeremy and Krisitina Fullingim, one sister, Mrs. Myrtle Ensminger of Seattle, Washington, and a host of nieces and nephews.
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