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Ottis Cornelsen
© Enid News and Eagle
Submitted by: Glenn

© Enid News and Eagle

January 10, 1913 - November 5, 2019

A Celebration of the Life of Ottis Cornelsen, age 106, of Enid, will be 10:00 am Thursday at Ladusau-Evans Chapel with Rev. Tom Stanley and Rev. Alan Baker to officiate. Burial will follow in Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home.

Ottis was born in Beaver County, OK on January 10, 1913 to Harry I. and Jennie (Field) Cone and passed away November 5, 2019 at the Golden Oaks Skilled Nursing Center. She attended school in Beaver and Texas Counties graduating from the 8th grade from Appleton School in Texas County. She moved to Enid in July of 1927 and attended Longfellow Junior High and Enid High School graduating in 1932. She married Abe Cornelsen on May 14, 1933 and established their home here. Abe passed away June 24, 1999. In 1943, Ottis began working for Clodfelter Grocery and later was employed by Haskins Automotive Supply, Kuykendall Appliance, and Wicker Transfer before being employed by the City of Enid in the Engineering Department for 20 years, retiring in March of 1977.

She was a member of the Central Christian Church, member of the Rebekah Lodge #21, member of the Enid L.A.P.M. #12, Life member and Past Grand Matriarch of the Ladies of Encampment Auxiliary #13, life member of American Legion Auxiliary, V.F.W. Auxiliary, D.A.V. Auxiliary, Eastern Star Chapter # 36, White Shrine #12, A.B.W.A., Life member of N.A.R.F.E., AARP, RSVP and Treasurer of Enid Mobile Meals for 25 years.

Ottis is survived by Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her husband, 5 brothers and 3 sisters.

Memorials may be made to OMRF with Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home serving as custodians of the funds.

Condolences may be made online and the service may be viewed online at www.ladusauevans.com .

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