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THE ENID EVENTS Enid, Garfield Co., OK |
September 21, 1939 Page 2, section A, column 3 |
Submitted by: Emily Jordan |
© Glenn
Covington Cemetery
Recent Deaths
OVERSTREET - Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon for D. Overstreet in the Central Christian church with Rev. J.N. Sours officiating
Overstreet, who died Friday in an Enid hospital, was buried in the I.O.O.F. cemetery at Covington, with the Schaeffer Funeral home in charge.
An Enid resident for 30 years, Overstreet had but recently made his home at Taloga.
Page 6, section A, column 4
Those attending the funeral of Mr. D. Overstreet in Enid Sunday afternoon were Mr.George Diel, Mr. Ed Mohlenbrink, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Blaser, Mrs. Frank Hermanski and daughter Nadine, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sohl and family. Mr. Overstreet was well known is this community, having lived in Cropper many years and buying wheat there for twelve years. He moved to Enid when the town of Cropper was moved away, which was two miles east of Breckinridge.
Page 2, section B, column 7
A number from this vicinity attended the funeral services held for Mr. Dally Overstreet at Enid Sunday afternoon. Mr. Overstreet died in an Enid hospital Friday following a lingering illness. Mr. Overstreet was an early day resident of this vicinity. Besides his widow, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Bennie Vanderwork of Fairmont, three sons, Buell of Ta_olga, Joel and Jack of Enid; a sister, Mrs. Della Hickok of Wichta; and two brothers, Andy of this vicinity and Hamm Overstreet of Durham, Tex.
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