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Garfield County, Oklahoma

© Glenn

Hattie May and Adam G. MEINHARDT

Covington Cemetery

Adam G. Meinhardt
Submitted by: Janis Reasnor

I was contacting you abt Adam Meinhardt, he was my GG Uncle, in order to correct his middle initial on your website...it is a G for George, not C...I would greatly appreciate you correcting it for him...

He was my G Grandmother's, Mary (Meinhardt) (Tharp) Waggoner, brother. His name was Adam George Meinhardt born near Cadott, Wisconsin... His mother is Katherine (Haag) Meinhardt, she was born in Germany...Adam took part in the Cherokee Strip Run (1893)...After his father, George Peter Meinhardt, died in Cadott, WI, Adam brought Katherine to live with him...Katherine, parents, and siblings came to America in 1854...she married George Meinhardt abt 1860 in Wisconsin...my G Grandmother, Mary Meinhardt, married Christopher Benjamin Tharp in Enid, OK...Christopher Tharp's 2 oldest brother's, Will and Doc, did the 1889 Land Rush...the land is still in Will's family at Hennessey, OK...the Tharp's came from IL...their mother Sarah and children Will, Doc, Lottie and Christopher, after their father's death, plus 2 older siblings who all died in IL..they ran a boarding house in Kansas...My G Grandfather, Christopher, died in 1905 and is buried at the Enid, OK Cemetery...I have Will's acct of the land rush and 1st 2 yrs on the prairie...I have Adam Meinhardt's eye witness acct of the Cherokee Strip Run...I also have the Haag family's acct of coming to America in 1854.

Sincerely, Janis Reasnor

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