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J. Raymond B. Gentry
© Enid News and Eagle
Submitted by: Jo Aguirre

© Glenn

Audrea E. and J. Raymond B. GENTRY

Covington Cemetery

A graveside service for J. Raymond B. Gentry, 94, will be 2 p.m. Wednesday in Covington Cemetery, Covington. Tommy Donaldson and Jody Schmidt will officiate. Arrangements are by Dugger Funeral Home of Garber.

He was born April 5, 1912, in Ava, Mo., to Charles M. and Leota Sivils Gentry and died Friday, Nov. 10, 2006, in Perry Memorial Hospital.

He attended Lakey and Arno schools and graduated from Ava High School in 1932. He attended Southwest Missouri Teachers University and taught school for two years.

He married Audrey Reynolds Oct. 26, 1935, in Galena, Mo. They moved to south Louisiana where he worked for numerous oil companies until 1943, when he was inducted into the Army. He was honorably discharged in 1946. He worked in a Western Auto Associates store before moving to Newell, W.Va., where he worked for Homer-Laughlin China Co. and later Globe Brick Co. In 1951 they moved to Covington where they owned and operated Gentry’s Store for 22 years. He retired in 1979. He was a member of Masonic Lodge, Anchor No. 104 of Marshall. He was worshipful master in 1989 and recognized for 60 years of membership in 2003. He was a member of Covington Rotary Club and Tri-County Senior Citizens and attended First Baptist Church in Covington.

Surviving are two brothers, Melvin J. Gentry of Plains City, Ohio, and Henderson Oliver Gentry of Ava, Mo., and two sisters, Juanita Stafford of St. Joseph, Mo., and Piccola Jean Ridge of Sandy, Utah.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Audrey, five sisters and three brothers.

Memorials may be made through the funeral home to Tri-County Senior Citizens Center of Covington, P.O. Box 66, Garber, OK 73738.

Condolences may be made online at www.duggerfuneral home.com.

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