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Dewey County Obituary
Brumfield Cemetery

© Enid Morning News
Date unknown
Reprinted with permission
Submitted by: Glenn Shroads


16 Jan 1908 - 15 December 1995

Seiling – The funeral for Myrtle Naoma Redinger Archer, 87, will be at 1:30 PM Sunday at the Redinger Funeral Home in Seiling. Sheldon Tucker, pastor of the Seiling Friends Church, will officiate. Burial will follow in Brumfield Cemetery.

She was born January 16, 1908, at Fairview to Norman Samuel and Maude Myrtle VanFleet Redinger and died Friday, December 15, 1995, at the Seiling Nursing Center. She was raised at Seiling where she began her school years, graduating from Seiling high school in 1927.

On January 16, 1928, she married Jean Wesley Archer at Seiling. They lived in the Seiling community. She worked alongside her husband on the farm. For several years, they did custom harvesting for farmer's from Texas, north to the Dakota's. She was also a Tupperware dealer for 29 years. In 1972, the couple moved from the farm into Seiling to care for her mother who was in failing health. She continued to live in Seiling until ill health caused her to moved to the nursing home. She was a member of the Home Betterment Club in Seiling for more than 50 years and was a member of the Seiling Friends Church where she was a Sunday school teacher. She also served as clerk of the church for several years, as well as clerk of the quarterly meeting and representative for the Friends Yearly Meeting.

Surviving are two sons, Kenneth of Seiling and Bobby of Point, Texas; one daughter, Oma Jean Dunn of Calhan, Colorado; one sister, Reah Archer of Seiling; two brothers, Willard Redinger and James Redinger, both of Seiling; seven grandsons; 13 great – grandchildren; and one great – great – grandchild.

She was preceded in death by her husband in 1976 and one granddaughter.

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