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Pecan Cemetery
Comanche County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Aimee Davis

The Lawton Daily Star
Lawton, OK
21 Oct 1911, Saturday, page 1



   A week ago, yesterday, Oliver H. Snider, 20 years old, who has been farming five and one-half miles southwest of Lawton for the past two years, was thrown from a horse which he was riding east of Lawton, and sustained internal injuries from which he died at his home at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. Funeral services will be held today, and burial will take place in Pecan cemetey this afternoon.
   Young Snider's horse was somewhat fractuous. It became frightened and plunged violently, throwing the rider to the ground with great force, injuring him internally. At the time the young man thought his injuries were slight and after catching the horse, rode on home. He immediately became ill, and last Sunday was brought to Lawton and given medical attention. His injuries were too serious for his recovery, and nothing could be done to save his life. The physician who attended Snider said last evening, that if he had been given medical attention immediately on being thrown, he would not have recovered.
   A. L. Snider, father of the young man is here from Wanette, Okla., to attend the funeral.

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