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Mrs. Sallie Waitie
The Cherokee Advocate
February 24, 1882
Mollie Stehno

Mrs. Sallie Waitie is dead. She died on February 3, 1882, at Vinita, I. t. She had passed her “three score,” and was in the 63rd year of her age. She was born at Coosawattie, in Georgia. On the evening of her death the Presbyterian Minister, Rev. Haworth, called to see her and sat down by her dying bed, put his hand upon her cold brow and said, “mother, I have come to see you, would you like to have me pray for you.” to which she answered, “yes, sir.” His prayer was fervent and impressive. She expressed herself willing and ready for the expected new life. None of all the loving friends who watched over her during the last hours of her life, doubt but that she learned to love God years ago. During her life she was kind and charitable and many there are among the Cherokee People who know this; no one ever went to her in need but that she ministered to their wants. Possessed of a noble nature, she always chose to look on the bright, rather than dark side of human character; she sought out the good deeds of others, and over looked their faults. She was of a cheerful disposition; her good nature easily diffused itself in the society in which she mingled—making friends wherever she went. As a parent she was affectionate and provident; a neighbor, peaceable and obliging; a friend, faithful and generous. Thus has passed from the Cherokee Nation the last of the patriotic, historic and heroic name--Waitie.

A Friend.

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