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Mrs. Lula Thorn
The Cherokee Advocate
June 15, 1881
Mollie Stehno

Died, on the evening of the 16th inst., in her nineteenth year, Mrs. Lula Thorn, wife of deputy High Sheriff C. V. Thorn of this place. She was sick but three days when the summons came that compelled those to whom she was most dear to bow in humble submission to His will who doeth all for the best. Kind hearted and generous, hers was such a life that closing leaves many outside the circle of her dear realities, to mourn her loss. Two little children are left, one scarcely five months old. May He who has made the promise to care for the orphans give them a portion of His tender mercy. May the consolation that is not of this earth, but of a kind Father, reach the hearts of the bereaved husband and the mother, brother and sister of her who even now enjoys the happiness that is the reward of all who are good and true.

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