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Tombstone Photo

Cherokee County, Oklahoma

© Jon Edwards Jr.
© Jon Edwards Jr.
© Jon Edwards Jr.

Jasmine Alina Leilani Edwards

Moodys Cemetery

Jasmine Alina Leilani Edwards
Tahlequah Daily Press
Tahlequah, Oklahoma
July , 2017
Submitted by: Jon Edwards Jr.

Jasmine Alina Leilani Edwards was born on August 20th, 2004, in Tahlequah, OK, the daughter of Jonathan Edwards Jr. and Alicia Edwards. She was raised by her other Mother, Danielle Ross. She was raised with two brothers Jonathan, Justin. She had an older sister not in the home, Miranda.

She attended school at Grandview and was eagerly awaiting her chance to tackle sixth grade.

Jasmine was a person of varied talents and great strengths. She liked music of all types and participated in band at school, playing the clarinet. She was really good at Minecraft and spent hours on Youtube.

When she wasn't studying you could find Jasmine hanging out with her Nana and Papa Edwards, going to classic car shows with them and she was the mascot for the Cherokee Cruisin' Classics Car Club. She loved to ride on her Dad's motorcycle and took many trips together. She was always up for a little skating or a day fishing at the lake.

Her life was like her personality, exuberant, outgoing and selfless in every way. She loved other people and making them happy, never indulged in self pity. She had a remarkable love for everything around her, and possessed a true healing spirit.

A Christian by faith, she attended Park Hill Baptist Church and had been baptized by Pastor Jacob Jones.

This beautiful life ended all too soon from cancer. It robbed her of many things, but never her spirit and her love and concern for others.

The Lord called Jasmine home on July 12th, 2017, in Tahlequah, OK. Her family was always by her side. She leaves an empty space that can never be filled. Jasmine died due to complications from Osteosarcoma. She was twelve years old.

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