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Cemeteries Located in Cherokee County, Oklahoma
Submitted by: Tammie Chada

If you know of other cemeteries in Cherokee County, Oklahoma
that is not listed here, please e-mail the county coordinator.

The following information was obtained from the
USGS National Mapping Information website

Name of Cemetery Latitude Longitude
Agent Cemetery 360231N 0945730W
Andersons Cemetery 355205N 0950758W
Barber Cemetery 354543N 0945135W
Batt Cemetery 360908N 0945344W
Blue Springs Cemetery 360018N 0950151W
Caney Cemetery 355049N 0944830W
Cedar Tree Cemetery 355531N 0945228W
Chambers Cemetery 354817N 0950109W
Cobb Family Cemetery 355547N 0945150W
Cookson Cemetery 354241N 0945555W
Crittenden Cemetery 355545N 0950208W
Double Springs Cemetery 355746N 0950255W
Downing Cemetery 360340N 0951210W
Eureka Cemetery 355234N 0950428W
Grandview Cemetery 355702N 0945942W
Gray Cemetery 360413N 0951140W
Greenleaf Cemetery 355100N 0950112W
Hare Cemetery 355947N 0951235W
Hendricks Cemetery 355100N 0950107W
Hinson Cemetery 355822N 0951329W
Holland Cemetery 354824N 0950511W
Houston Cemetery 355726N 0950436W
Houston Cemetery 355738N 0950452W
Hulbert Cemetery 355549N 0951046W
Johnson Cemetery 355639N 0950726W
Jones Cemetery 355034N 0950445W
Keener Cemetery 355922N 0950908W
Linder Cemetery 355311N 0950842W
Lost City Cemetery 355900N 0950812W
Lower Ray Cemetery 355733N 0951126W
Lowrey Cemetery 354830N 0950414W
Manus Cemetery 355355N 0945247W
Miller Cemetery 355239N 0950255W
Molly Field Cemetery 360332N 0945356W
Moodys Cemetery 360154N 0945710W
Mount Zion Cemetery 355458N 0950356W
New Home Cemetery 360341N 0950601W
New Hope Cemetery 355647N 0950658W
Park Hill Cemetery 355057N 0945807W
Park Hill Mission Cemetery 355059N 0945758W
Parris Cemetery 355956N 0950339W
Peggs Cemetery 360519N 0950600W
Pettit Cemetery 354604N 0945730W
Philipps Cemetery 353946N 0950157W
Price Cemetery 355008N 0950214W
Pumpkin Center Cemetery 355928N 0944957W
Ray Cemetery 355449N 0951524W
Ross Cemetery 355102N 0945653W
Sellers Cemetery 354147N 0950142W
Steeley Cemetery 355229N 0950241W
Swimmer Baptist Cemetery 355926N 0950555W
Tahlequah Cemetery 355432N 0945952W
Teresita Cemetery 360617N 0945937W
Thompson Cemetery 360528N 0944920W
White Oak Cemetery 354324N 0950148W

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