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Murray/Binger Cemetery

Binger, Caddo County, Oklahoma

© Cheryl Travis
© Cheryl Travis
© Cheryl Travis
© Mike Casey
© Donna Barnett

Nannie E. Sellers
James Harry Sellars ~ Bessie Laura [Cable] Sellars
Helen Ruth Sellars
Alice Sellars

Murray/Binger Cemetery
Caddo County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Lillian Cotton

© Carnegie Herald
Carnegie, Oklahoma
Wednesday, October 27, 1943

Bessie Laura [Cable] Sellars
February 19, 1900 ~ October 20, 1943

Mrs. Bessie Sellars, Binger Publisher, Dies of Heart Attack

Mrs. Bessie Sellars, 43, wife of Harry Sellars, Binger postmaster, and co-publisher with her husband of the Binger Journal since 1923, died suddenly at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 21 of a heart attack at her home in Binger.

Funeral services were held as 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the Binger high school auditorium with Rev. E.H. Gurrus preaching the funeral sermon. Burial was at Fletcher [Binger].

When her husband was appointed postmaster in 1933, Mrs. Sellars assumed the management of the Journal and has been either editor or manager since.

Bessie Cable was born and grew up in the Fletcher community, played on the state championship girls' basketball team and was graduated from Fletcher highschool in 1919. She attended Central State Teachers college at Edmond.

For 20 years in Binger she served as the "hired hand" on the Journal, reared a family and did community work.

Besides the husband, survivors include four children, Donna Jean, Oklahoma City, and Jed, Helen and Ruth at home; her mother, Mrs. J.A. Cable, Fletcher; three sisters, Mrs. J.L. McAdoo, Cyril; Mrs. Gene Miller, Healton, and Mrs. Ray Sellars, Oklahoma City and six brothers, L.H. and Orville Cable, Fletcher; A.R. Cable, Chickasha; Tom Cable, Nocona, Tex.; John Cable, Midwest, Okla. and Joe Cable, Lawton.

Murray/Binger Cemetery
Caddo County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Cathey Wilder

Binger, Oklahoma
December 2019

Jed Mauk Sellars
August 14, 1936 ~ December 26, 2019

Jed Mauk Sellars was born on August 14, 1936 in Binger, OK to Harry James and Bessie [Cable] Sellars. He passed away on Thursday, December 26, 2019, at his home in Binger, Oklahoma at the age of 83.

Jed graduated from High School in New Mexico and attended community college in Oklahoma City.

Jed worked as an airplane mechanic with the US Navy until his retirement in 1984 and moved back to Binger, Oklahoma.

Jed loved OU football, John Wayne movies and the Western Channel on TV.

He loved his grandchildren and attended all their sporting events. He was a great storyteller and he used to do the grandkids school reports for them, writing them out and having them copy it.

Jed was a life-long Democrat and loved politics. He attended First Baptist Church in Binger, Oklahoma.

Survivors Include: his daughter, Alice East and husband Jimmie of Binger, OK, Grandchildren: Amber Flint, Tevin Johnson, Kalen Johnson and wife Delaney, Dawn Marie Hawkins and husband Tim, Donnie East and wife Rhonda, Shawn East and wife Melisa, Devin “Mikie” East and wife Tanya, 18 great grandchildren, Titus, Bailey, and Brenley, and 18 other great grandchildren, 14 great great grandchildren, nieces and nephews, Jeanne Abrams, Rick and Lynnie Holcomb, John Cottrell, Jerry Sellars, Jeannine Sellars, Lynda Bailey, and Harold Hartwell, sister in law, Leah Fight.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Harry and Bessie Sellars, brothers Jimmy and Harry “Bub” Sellars, Jr., and sisters Ladonna Hartwell and Helen Lewis, wife Alice Sellars, sons Brad Fight, Richard “Dickie” Fight, daughter in law, Denise Fight.

Memorial Services: Binger Baptist Church, Binger, OK

Source: Turner Funeral Home

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