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Murray/Binger Cemetery

Binger, Caddo County, Oklahoma

© Cheryl Travis
© Donna Barnett
© Cheryl Travis
© Cheryl Travis
© Cheryl Travis
© Cheryl Travis
© Cheryl Travis
© Cheryl Travis
© Cheryl Travis
© Mike Casey

Ralph T. "Kiwin" Murrow
Sowonin Ellen Murro
George Toho Murrow Sr
Christine [Shemayme] Murrow
Tillman Murrow
Melford Murrow
Delta Murrow
Marilyn Kay [Bowling] Murrow
Keenan Murrow
Melford Murrow Jr

Murray/Binger Cemetery
Caddo County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Sharon Lee (sha9876)

Smith Funeral Home
Anadarko, Oklahoma
April 2, 2008

Keenan Murrow
October 15, 1957 ~ March 29, 2008

Funeral services for Keenan Murrow, 50, of Anadarko will be held 2:00, 2008 at Smith Funeral Home Chapel in Anadarko with Minister Tom Wooster and Rev Neil Sanders officiating.

A prayer service was held at Smith Funeral Home Chapel.

He was born October 15, 1957 in Abilene, Texas to Melford and Delta [Smith] Murrow and died Saturday, March 29, 2008 in Oklahoma City.

He was a 1975 graduate of Anadarko High School. During his senior year his team won the State Baseball Championship and he was named All State Baseball Pitcher.

He was married to Sally Bedoka.

He maintained his love for baseball throughout his life. He played, coached and watched the teams his daughter, Starli played on as well as the many summer fast pitch softball teams he was a part of including The Apache Trading Post, Jimmy Jones Team, The Mean Machine, The Medicine Men, The Diamond Backs, The Caddo A’s, the Sooner Indians, The Oklahoma Bucks and many others.

He attended Haskell Indian Junior College for one year and Central State in Edmond for one year.

He was the custodian at Gold River Casino in Anadarko for many years.

He had attended Caddo Kiowa Vo Tech in Fort Cobb and was studying Hotel and Restaurant Management before his health began to fail him.

He was a die-hard Sooner fan.

He will be missed dearly by all who knew and loved him.

He was preceded in death by his parents.

Survivors include his wife, Sally, of the home; one daughter, Starli Ann Murrow of the home; two brothers, Donovan Murrow of Tampa, Florida and Melford Murrow Jr of Anadarko; two uncles, Kermit Murrow and George Murrow Jr; one aunt, Nelcine Beaver; cousins, Rene Worcester and Joe Edmonds; and numerous other relatives and friends.

Burial will be in the Binger Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home of Anadarko.

© El Reno Tribune Home
El Reno, Oklahoma

April 2, 2008

Keenan Murrow
October 15, 1957 ~ March 29, 2008

Prayer services for Keenan Murrow of Anadarko were held Tuesday at Smith Funeral Home Chapel in Anadarko. Funeral services were held today at Smith Funeral Home Chapel with burial in the Binger Cemetery.

Mr. Murrow, 50, died Saturday in Oklahoma City.

He was employed as a custodian with Gold River Casino in Anadarko.

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