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Murray/Binger Cemetery

Binger, Caddo County, Oklahoma

© Cheryl Travis
© Donna Barnett
© Donna Barnett
© Donna Barnett

Rufus Dobber Moser
Clara M. [Turner] Moser
Faye Moser
Robert Ray Moser

Murray/Binger Cemetery
Caddo County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Sharon Lee (sha9876)

© Carnegie Herald
Carnegie, Oklahoma
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Robert Ray Moser
May 29, 1928 ~ January 13, 2010

Funeral services for Robert Ray Moser, 81, of Carnegie were held 2:00 p.m., Saturday, January 16, 2010 at the Church of God in Binger with Rev Ron Nelson officiating.

Ray was born May 29, 1928 to Rufus and Clara [Turner] Moser in Binger and died Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at his home at Fly Inn two.

He was a graduate of the Binger High School.

He worked as an oil field driller for over forty years for Austin Drilling Company. He was a very hard worker.

He had a green thumb. He grew the very best garden around and shared all his vegetables with his family and friends.

He was a good housekeeper, an excellent cook and probably one of the best fishermen around.

When he retired, his favorite hobby was fishing, fishing and fishing. He had a big fish fry every year and it was always quite a feast.

His brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins and many friends all gathered to have a wonderful week of visiting and enjoying all the crappie Ray caught. Everyone would bring a favorite dish and exchange recipes.

He loved his family very much. He was a very kind hearted man who truly enjoyed life.

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