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Murray/Binger Cemetery
Caddo County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Sharon Lee (sha9876)

© Carnegie Herald
Carnegie, Oklahoma
September 14, 2009

Arianna Martinez
September 5, 2009 ~ September 5, 2009

Graveside memorial services for Arianna Martinez, infant daughter of José and Alicia Martinez, were held Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at Binger Cemetery with Rev Andrew Soto officiating.

She was born Saturday, September 5, 2009 at Integris Southwest Hospital in Oklahoma City. She touched many lives even though she was only here a few short hours, she will always hold a special place in the hearts of her mom and dad and her grandparents who all held her and heard her first cry of hello.

Little Arianna budded on earth to bloom in heaven and will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

She was preceded in death by her great grandparents, Jessie and Felicitas Gonzales and an infant cousin, Elias Rodriques.

She is survived by her parents, Alicia and José Martinez of Oklahoma City; maternal grandparents, Pablo and Maria Garcia of Sacramento, California and Pepe and Tommie Rodriguez of Binger; paternal grandparents, Manuel; and many other relatives.

Services were under the direction of Binger Funeral Home of Binger.

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