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Fort Cobb/Oak Grove Cemetery
Caddo County, Oklahoma

If you have family or friends buried in this cemetery and
would like to add their names and information, please send
an e-mail to Sandi Carter.

U Surnames

Row 24.35UNKNOWNAunaneAbt 1850 21/Jan/1944"Age 94 years" "Our Beloved Grandmother"
Row 50.72UNKNOWNAzilene21/May/191226/Feb/1999 
Row 3.29UNKNOWNBetty04/Jul/188022/Jul/1961 
Row 7.6UNKNOWNBaby19/Dec/191519/Dec/1915 
Row 25.9UNKNOWNCarmen19211981 
Row 11.29UNKNOWNOma  Might be a footmarker
Row 50.71UNKNOWNRalph E.15/Feb/190707/Jan/1984 
Row 2.14 UNKNOWNUnknown  Concrete Base only
Row 2.15UNKNOWNUnknown  Concrete Marker
Row 2.16UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete Marker
Row 4.25UNKNOWNUnknown  Broken marker
Row 5.27UNKNOWNUnknown  Stone or large brick
Row 5.28UNKNOWN Unknown  Stone or large brick
Row 5.30UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete
Row 5.31UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete
Row 5.44UNKNOWN Unknown  Wooden Cross
Row 6.11UNKNOWN Unknown  concrete marker, unreadable
Row 7.7 UNKNOWN Unknown  Small concrete base
Row 9.13 UNKNOWN Unknown  Rock marker
Row 9.16 UNKNOWN Unknown   Rock & Footstone
Row 12.8 UNKNOWN Unknown  Small rock, inside NW corner
Row 12.9 UNKNOWN Unknown  Rock
Row 12.10 UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete
Row 12.11 UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete
Row 14.20 UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete cover
Row 15.27 UNKNOWN Unknown  FHM
Row 15.30UNKNOWN Unknown  Small concrete stone
Row 17.8UNKNOWN Unknown  Iron bedstead
Row 18.2UNKNOWN Unknown  Sandstone slab beside 4th large cedar tree
Row 21.9UNKNOWN Unknown   
Row 22.4UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete marker
Row 22.37UNKNOWN Unknown  Loose rock
Row 23.4UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete slab
Row 23.5UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete slab
Row 23.6UNKNOWN Unknown  Red sandstone rock
Row 23.17UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete marker, poss. Jesse?
Row 24.30UNKNOWN Unknown  Rock
Row 25.7UNKNOWN Unknown  Concrete marker lying at base of large cedar tree
Row 27.1UNKNOWN Unknown  Loose,White marble slab at base of large ecalyptus tree
Row 27.8UNKNOWN Unknown  Rock
Row 27.28.5UNKNOWN Unknown  Might be Footmarker located at foot of HARRIS, Joe H. & Jessie Lee, would be Row #26 1/2
Row 27.31UNKNOWN Unknown  Red rock
Row 29.33UNKNOWN Unknown   
Row __UNWIN/URWING. H.187102/Feb/1918Gish Funeral Home ~ Anadarko OK
Unmarked grave
Row 4.16 UNWINJ. M.24/Jun/187102/Feb/1918
Row 4.17UNWINVida C.10/Feb/188228/Apr/1959 
Row 50.59UPTONDorthea L. [Owen] 06/Oct/191607/May/2003Unmarked grave
Row __UPTONFlossie Mae22/Aug/193723/Oct/1937Farmer Funeral Home ~ Fairview OK
Unmarked grave
Row __UPTONJess Lee28/Mar/1908
Stringtown OK
Caddo CO OK
H/O Annabel Upton
See obit
Row __UPTONJohn W.30/Sep/1866
Madison CO AR
Washita OK
S/O Tucker & Mary E. [Pool] UptonUnmarked grave
Row 16.25UPTONMary E. [Pool]12/Oct/184403/Dec/1928 W/O Tucker Upton
Unmarked grave
Row 50.58UPTONRoy--/Feb/1913--/May/1964 

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