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Fort Cobb/Oak Grove Cemetery
Caddo County, Oklahoma
Submitted by:
Lillian Cotten
© Carnegie Herald
Carnegie, Oklahoma
Wednesday, February 26, 1930
Lizzie [Godwin] Chastain
Lizzie Chastain Dies
Lizzie Godwin was born and raised in Titus county, Texas and died Mar. 21, 1930 at her home five miles north and seven east of Carnegie.
She was left an orphan when an infant and was raised by Mrs. Newton. She came to Oklahoma in 1906.
She was married to John Chastain December 8, 1907. To this union seven children, five girls and two boys were born. One baby died in infancy. The other children were with her at the time of her death.
Mrs. Chastain's belief has always been in the Baptist church.
She has lead a constant Christian life, being loved by all who knew her. She bore her long suffering patiently and although all was done that loving hands and medical skill could accomplish she departed this life early Friday morning.
The Baptist minister conducted the funeral services at the Baptist church at Fort Cobb, Saturday at 3:30 p.m. and she was laid to rest in the Fort Cobb cemetery.
She leaves to mourn her departure a husband, John Chastain, four daughters, Fairy, Mae, Johnnie and Goldie, and two sons, Clyde and Claude. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Eliza Merrel, Plainview, Texas, and Mrs. Nancy Chatman, Rison, Arkansas and two brothers, John Godwin, Stecker, and Jewel Godwin, Fort Cobb.
Fort Cobb/Oak Grove Cemetery
Caddo County, Oklahoma
Submitted by:
Lillian Cotten
© Carnegie Herald
Carnegie, Oklahoma
Wednesday, September 3, 1941
Claude Chastain
Claud Chastain Is Victim Of Hit-and-Run Driver
Funeral services were held at 3:30 p.m. August 28 for Claud Chastain of Fort Cobb who was killed instantly early Sunday morning when hit by a hit-and-run driver near Anadarko. Rev. Gregory conducted the services at the Baptist church and burial was at Fort Cobb under direction of the Harvey Funeral home.
Chastain and several other boys were standing beside their car. Three were hit by the approaching car but two escaped with bruises. Later a Negro from Gracemont was arrested.
Claud Chastain was born at Lark, Okla. March 7, 1911. He had lived in Caddo county since 1928 and was well known by many in his community. He is survived by four sisters, Fairy and Goldie Chastain, Fort Cobb; Mrs. May White, Fort Cobb; Mrs. Cecil Blankenship, Coarse Gold, Calif.; and a brother, Clyde Chastine of Fort Cobb.
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