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Carnegie Cemetery

Carnegie, Caddo County, Oklahoma

© Lillian Cotten

Larry Paul Phy

Carnegie Cemetery
Carnegie, Caddo County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Lillian Cotten

© Carnegie Herald
Carnegie, Oklahoma
Wednesday, November 30, 1966

Larry Paul Phy
July 19, 1949 ~ November 25, 1966

One Carnegie Student Is Killed, Another Hurt In Farm Mishap

A 17-year-old Carnegie youth was electrocuted Friday morning when an irrigation pipe he was helping lift came in contract with an electrical power line on a farm 5 1/2-miles north east of Eakly.

Larry Paul Phye was fatally injured when he and Jimmy Montgomery, another Carnegie youth, were trying to shake a rabbit from the joint of pipe when it touched the highline wire. They and Phye's younger brother, Ray, had been building fence on a farm owned by Montgomery's father, David, when the accident happened.

The pipe, a section that had not been in use for some time was laying near the road where the boys were building a fence. Assisting them in building the fence when a dog chased the rabbit into the abandoned pipe were Gene Fite, Carnegie, and Floyd Taylor, who lived on the farm.

A Reverend Barnes, who lives a mile and a half west, was passing by shortly after the accident. He rushed the accident victims to the Hydro doctor's office.

Montgomery, who with his wife attends school at Southwestern State, Weatherford, was seriously burned on his left foot, left leg and left arm. Phye died enroute to a Hydro doctor's office. Montgomery was given first aid treatment and later released.

Services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Church of the Nazarene in Carnegie with Rev. Bob Williams, pastor, officiating. Burial was in the Carnegie cemetery.

Phye was born July 19, 1949, and had lived his entire life here. He was a Carnegie high school junior.

He is survived by his mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Lindsey and two brothers, Ray and Billy, all of the home a mile north of town; his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Bertha Smith, Carnegie, and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Phye of Mountain View and other relatives.

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