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Bible aka Scott Cemetery
Cogar, Caddo County, Oklahoma

Latitude: 35.3697775 ~ Longitude: -98.2544999

If you have family or friends buried in this cemetery and
would like to add their names and information, please send
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Caddo CO OK
Caddo CO OK
"Infant Son of Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Alsup" "Our Darling"
Son of Edward W. "Eddie" & Pearl [Thomas] Alsup
RowALSUPRay Arthur20/Jan/1898
Taylor CO TX
Caddo CO OK

"Son of Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Alsup" "Gone but not forgotten"
H/O Bonnie Lee [Rider] Alsup, F/O Franklin E. Alsup, S/O Francis Cicero & Mary Alice [Anderson] Alsup, drowned in South Canadian River, mail carrier on the star route of Minco, L. T. Coffey Undertaking Parlors
Plot 34ALSUPSarah Emeline [Brister]20/Apr/183605/Jan/1920"Mother" "At Rest"
GM/O Mabel & Paul Southern
RowANDERSONBarton W.18511923"Father" "At Rest"
H/O Elizabeth "Maggie"[Shackleford] Anderson
RowANDERSONElizabeth Maggie" [Shackleford] 03/Dec/184729/May/1917"Wife of B. W. Anderson" "At Rest"
W/O Barton W. Anderson
Row 3, Plot 9BAYSINGERFred16/Apr/190831/Dec/1909"Little Fred Baysinger"
S/O William Edward & Mary Ellen Baysinger
Infant of Mr. & Mrs.Branigan, unmarked grave
Plot 42BUCHANANCharley Webster18/Jul/1879
Pottawatomie CO KS
Cogar OK
SS/W & H/O Nora Mae [Davis] Buchanan, S/O David Lawrence & Mary Elizabeth [Seapy] Buchanan
Plot 42BUCHANANNora Mae [Davis]14 Apr 1889
Wise CO TX
Cogar OK
SS/W & W/O Charley Webster Buchanan, D/O Alvin Miles Davis & Hannah Frances [Allison] Davis
RowDAVIDSONLaura Gertrude04/Jan/190413/Feb/1904"Dau of Adda I. & Jesse S. Davidson" "Our loss is her gain""
RowDAVISAlvin Miles1850
1920H/O Frances Hannah [Allison] Davis, S/O Wilson & Elizabeth [Tharp] Davis
RowDAVISFrances Hannah [Allison]22/Mar/185012/Mar/1949W/O Alvin Miles Davis, D/O James & Jane [Zumwalt] Allison
RowDUNCANAmy Ruth [Shields]15 Jan 1904
29 Oct 1935
W/O John Wesley Duncan, D/O Charles M. Shields & Viola M. Heineman, Unmarked grave
RowFAULKINBERRYColumbus C. "Gim"04/Dec/1870
SS/W & H/O Rachel Elizabeth "Betty" [Pool] Faulkinberry, F/O Louis, Leonard, Maggie, Luther, Vedie, Flossie, Freeman Arthur, S/O Zachariah T. Faulkinberry & Martha Alabama Graves
RowFAULKINBERRYEdith M.28/Jan/193812/Dec/1942 
RowFALKINBERRYLeonard A.1895
H/O [1] Mable [Burke] Faulkinberry [2] Hattie Bea Lamirand Faulkinberry, S/O Columbus C. "Gim" & Rachel Elizabeth [Pool] Faulkinberry
RowFAULKINBERRYLuther Pearson08/May/1902
Fannin CO TX
Comanche CO TX
 "Oklahoma Tec 5 CO A 10 QM Mountain BN ~ World War II"
H/O Doris Ruth [McDonald] Faulkinberry, F/O Donald Ray "Butch" & Reba Kay, S/O Columbus C. "Gim" & Rachel Elizabeth [Pool] Faulkinberry
RowFAULKINBERRYRachel Elizabeth "Betty" "Lizzie" [Pool]21/Jan/1872
SS/W & W/O Columbus C. "Gim" Faulkinberry, M 26 Apr 1891 Lincoln CO TN
RowGARRISONDorothy Ann16 Jun 193425 Jun 1938D/O James William "Jim" & E. Joan Garrison, drowned
RowGARRISONE. Joan03/Sep/190630/Oct/1934"Mother" "She is not dead but Sleepeth"
W/O James William Garrison, M/O Dena Beatrice, Geneva Jo & Dorothy Ann Garrison
Scott OK

H/O Sarah A. [Finan] Geraghty, El Reno police officer, reinterred in VA?
Plot 11HARPERFayrene19311935Unmarked grave
RowHARPERSamuel Hamilton 1939
Caddo CO OK
Unmarked grave
Plot 17HISERAlice M. [Tilley]--/Oct/1874
Garvin CO OK
Caddo CO OK
"Wife of James B. Hiser"
2nd W/O James Benjamin Hiser, D/O James Edward Tilley & Elizabeth Jane [Guthery] Tilley Ketner, marker is in the Murray/Binger Cemetery next to husband, unmarked grave
RowHOWEAlbert06/Sep/184931/Oct/1928SS/W & H/O Virginia [Thomas] Howe
G Grandfather of: Jean Pendergraft
RowHOWELarry J.--/Jan/1941--/Apr/1941 
RowHOWERosie I.04/Dec/193504/Dec/1935 
RowHOWEVirginia08/May/185919/Mar/1931SS/W & W/O Albert Howe
G Grandmother of: Jean Pendergraft
RowHUPPAlta09/Jan/191404/Jul/1922"Gone but not forgotten"
RowISAMANLena Mable [Wright]09/Jan/1888
Osceola MO
Caddo CO OK
W/O George Arthur Isaman, M 04/Jul/1903 Chickasaw Nation IT, D/O Milton Francis & Nancy Hannah [Tally] Wright, two markers
Killed by falling tree
Unmarked Grave
RowPAYTONAnna G.18771951"Mother"
SS/W & W/O John D. Payton
RowPAYTONJohn D.18671959"Father"
SS/W & H/O Anna G. Payton
RowPAYTONOtis G.26/May/192411/Aug/1924 
Plot 33PHIPPSOscar Jr19221923"Son of J. O. & Lola Phipps"
Plot 7RAYJessie Fay06/Nov/193615/May/1942D/O Leige T. & Grace [Powell] Ray,
London England
OK City OK
Goiter, unmarked grave
Plot 55SEWARDDorothy P.15/Apr/192725/Apr/1927Unmarked Grave
RowSTOLHANDRicky Allen30/Jan/196807/Jul/1972S/O Larry & Linda Stolhand, GS/O Grandson of Ralph & Juanita Stolhand, Leonard Faulkinberry and Hattie B. Faulkinberry
Info from Tawana Witcher
RowTHOMASChester24/Oct/190316/Jan/1905"Son of L. G. & N. J. Thomas"
S/O Lemuel Goodman & Nancy Jane [Sharrock] Thomas
RowTHOMASLemuel Goodman24/Mar/185422/Jul/1915
H/O Nancy Jane [Sharrock] Thomas, buried Hinton OK
1st Post Master Binger Appointed 05/Dec/1901
RowTINSLEYEsther Lucille08/Aug/1922
Hinton OK
D/O William Henry & Sally Pearl [Wright] Tinsley
Hinton OK
Hinton OK
S/O William Henry & Sally Pearl [Wright] Tinsley
RowTINSLEYRachel Ann [Clifton]21 Mar 1845
Hickory CO MO
10 Oct 1926
Caddo CO OK
"Mother is gone but not forgotten"
W/O William Henry Tinsley, D/O William & Lamanda [Bethel] Clifton
RowTINSLEYWilliam Henry05/Mar/184411/Jan/1929
Union Army ~ Civil War
H/O Rachel Ann [Clifton] Tinsley, M 27/Apr/1869 Grayson CO TX
RowVENTRISInfant28/Jun/194128/Jun/1941C/O Phil Venbtris, Benson Funeral Home ~ El Reno OK
Unmarked grave
Plot 77WRIGHTMilton Francis03/Mar/1850
Osceola NO
H/O Nancy Hannah [Tally] Wright, S/O William Polk Wright Nancy Hannah Thomas
RowWRIGHTNancy Hannah [Tally]10/Jan/1860
Osceola MO
W/O Milton Francis Wright, M 12 Sep 1875 St. Clair CO MO, D/O George Washington & Amanda Elizabeth [Kincade] Tally

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