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Thomas Jefferson Archer
Submitted by: Wanda Purcell

Thomas Jefferson Archer was born January 4, 1858 at Grapevine, Texas.
He departed this life July 3rd 1949 at the age of 91 years, 5 months, and 30 days.
He was married to Martha Jane Stewart in 1878 at Grapevine, Texas. To this union were born nine children, five boys and four girls. His wife and three children preceded him in death. Survivors inclue Mrs. Bill Boudin, Phoenix, Arizona; Mrs. Grace Eickels, Whitmore, California; Quincy Archer and Walter Archer, Moorewood, Oklahoma: Bert Archer, Strong City, Oklahoma and John archer, Garden Grove, California. Twenty-nine grandchildren and fifty-six great grandchildren survive.
He moved to eastern Oklahoma in 1889 then moved to Roger Mills County where he homesteaded in 1898 and has lived in the vicinity of his homestead near Strong City since that tiem. He joined the Methodist Church at the age of 33 years and preached for a number of years. He was with his son, Bert Archer at Erick, Oklahoma at the time of his death.
Funeral services for M. Archer were conducted in Strong City Wednedsay with Rev. Combs, pastor of the Cheyenne Methodist Church delivering the sermon. Commital was in the Strong City Cemeter, Strong City, Roger Mills County, OK
(Survivor's include Mrs. Allie Bouldin (not Billie) and Mrs. Grace Stickels (not Eickels) as printed in obit.)

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