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© Published in Enid, OK. News |
Saturday, October 7, 2006 |
Submitted by: Sylva Rhodes |
Helen B. & Fay E. Fishback
Cherokee Municipal Cemetery
There will be no service for Helen B. Fishback, 95, of Cherokee. A private family burial will be at a later date in Cherokee Municipal Cemetery. Arrangements are by Goodwin Funeral Home of Cherokee.
She was born July 6, 1911, in Cyril to George and Flora Moser and died Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2006, in Cherokee.
She moved with her family at a young age to Alva. She attended Lambert schools graduating from high school there. She married Howard Peck in 1933. They moved to Cherokee where she worked for Baker’s Department Store, the newspaper and Geis’ Insurance Office. He died in 1951. She married Fay Fishback in 1955. He died in 1975. She was a volunteer at the hospital and served as bailiff for several years. She moved to Cherokee manor in 1999.
Surviving are three daughters, Paige Diel, Donna Kendrick and Phyllis Stone.
She was preceded in death by both husbands.
Memorials may be made through the funeral home to Cherokee Manor or Hospice Circle of Love.
Condolences may be sent to Paige Diel, Rt. 1 Box 125, Burlington, OK.
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