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Westville Cemetery
Adair County, Oklahoma

© Toney McGee

James F. Kirk


James F. Kirk

© Westville Record
January 26, 1945
Submitted by: Wanda Elliott

Three North Camp Hood soldiers were killed in a collision involving their automobile and a loaded gasoline transport truck, one mile south of Hillsboro on high 81, about 2:am o'clock Sunday morning.
Victims of the accident were: Staff Sergeant E.J. BECKMAN, Lawton, Oklahoma, Cpl. Delmas Eugene MOORE, 430 Northeast F. Street, Linton, Indiana, and T. 5 James F. KIRK, 1307 N. 15th St., Lawton, Oklahoma, apparently the driver of the car, was pinned in the automobile. His head, chest, and legs were crushed.
The funeral [James KIRK] was conducted at the Pentecostal Holiness Church by Rev. Arthur SMITH and arrangement was by Roberts Funeral Home, interment at Westville Cemetery.
Card of Thanks - We wish to thank our many friends and also the Pentecostal Holiness Church for their kind expression of sympathy and for their floral offering in the death of our beloved husband, father, son and brother. Mrs. James KIRK and Phyllis Ann &- Mr. and Mrs. M. F. KIRK.
Addielee News: Mrs. Carrie JORDAN, Mrs. Minnie BAY, Mrs. Ruth BAY, and Mr. and Preston KIRK who've been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milard KIRK and attended their brothers' funeral, Cpl. James KIRK, returned to their homes in California.

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