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W. L. Chase, Judge

© Westville Record
June 4, 1943
Submitted by: Wanda Elliott

Adair county has been made sad in the death of our well known and respected County Judge, W.L. CHASE, who died at his home here Tuesday evening, June 1, after a few hours' illness as a result of a heart attack.

Although he had been in failing health the past few years, his death was a shock to the entire county.
Mr. CHASE was born December 29, 1880, in Izard County, Ark.

He was admitted to the bar in U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Indian Territory on November 4, 1904; came to Westville in 1907 and has been active in Oklahoma Democracy since statehood, having practiced law in Adair county since that time. On June 5, 1939, he was appointed to fill the unexpired term of office of County Judge, made vacant by the death of Judge Harry WINSOR. This office Mr. CHASE held at the time of his death, having been elected to serve two terms.
He was married to Miss Lula PHILLIPS in 1909, and has lived in Westville since that time with the exception of a short time at Stilwell.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lula CHASE, one daughter, Miss Ahnawake CHASE, who is employed at Pryor; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel DAVIS, Miami, Florida, and Mrs. George ORR, Slaton, Texas; one brother, W.A. CHASE, Tulsa, who suffered a paralytic stroke Thursday and his death is expected momentarily.
Funeral services were held at 2:30 Thursday afternoon from the Roberts Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. T. DeWitt SANKEY, pastor of the local Baptist church.

Burial was made in the Westville cemetery.
Friends of the deceased and his family, which are numbered only by their acquaintances, extend deepest heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved.

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