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Adair County, Oklahoma

© by: Martha Real

Percival Adams

Stilwell City Cemetery

Judge Percival ADAMS
© The Standard-Sentinel
Thursday, January 11, 1917
Submitted by:Wanda Elliott
The sad message was received in Stilwell Tuesday morning of death from heart failure of Judge Percival ADAMS at Commerce the night preceding.
Judge ADAMS lived here for several years and had only lately left our town and opened a law office at Commerce.
His family here had the household effects at the depot and were intending to leave for Commerce on Wednesday, but the deplorable death shattered all their plans.
"Man proposes, but God disposes."
Instead of the happy reunion anticipated, the bereft wife and son in anguish awaited here for the sad home-coming of his earthly remains.
Indeed, it was sad to all Stilwell, and brought home to all the sureness of the inevitable call that all must answer--death.
The remains were brought to Stilwell Wednesday morning accompanied by Mr. Henry E. STEEGMAN, a member of the Development Company Judge ADAMS had formed since locating at Commerce.
Mr. STEEGMAN spoke most kindly of the deceased, and of the warm friends he had made and good will and esteem into which Judge ADAMS was fast ingratiating himself in the hearts of the people of his new home.
Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J.A. MCDONALD, of Sallisaw.
Interment followed at the city cemetery.
Judge ADAMS was born in Scotland in 1858, and received his education in the university of Glascow.
He was admitted to the Scottish bar in April 1882 and soon therafter came to America.
He came to Adair County in 1910 and has enjoyed the distinction of being one of the most learned and able to our attorneys.
A wife and an adopted son survive him.

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