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Parris Cemetery
aka Downing Family Cemetery

Westville, Adair County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Kadis Scott

**In Reserach Records often Parris is mixed with the Parris Cemetery in
Cherokee County Oklahoma which had been relocated to its present day.**


-This Cemetery is located in a pasture, east of Westville OK Listed in the OKGenWeb, Indian Pioneer Papers, Field Workers name: W. J. Bigby. There was four other readable names in 1937, at the time of Mr. Bigby's survey. Cherokee D. Downing, daughter of A. Downing d. 1859. No dates on these other three names, Mahala Parris, Leatha Pierce and Leatha Mae Readen.   By: Kadis Scott


-Parris Cemetery is a family cemetery located North East of Westville Oklahoma. The Cemetery is located on private land and is currently being maintained by the family. Contact is needed to unlock gates.

Located in Sect 16, Township 18N, Range 26E.  About 4 miles NE of Westville.

If you have family buried here and would like to have their information or additional information (Obituaries, Photos, Short Bio, Cemetery Photos) placed on our site please contact the Area Coordinator for details or visit our How to Submit page.

We are dedicated and strive for our records to be complete and accurate. As with all Genealogy work there comes a possibility for spelling or data errors with the information that we have received. Please let us know if you have found any such error.

Locations & information






Chance Ella 1/11/1888 1/17/1888 D of Tillman & Maggie Phillips-Chance
GreatGrandchild of Malachi & Mahala Parris-Photo
Chance Infant Daughter 9/23/1888 9/23/1888 D of Tillman & Maggie Phillips-Chance
GreatGrandchild of Malachi & Mahala Parris-Photo
Downing Anna D 1858 1858 D of Ambrose & Gatsey
Downing Cherokee no date 1859 D of Ambrose & Gatsey
Downing Gatsey Ann Parris 8/12/1826 9/15/1879 D of Robert Parris & Hester Blackwell
W of Ambrose Photo
Downing Moses 8/5/1853 11/18/1859 S Ambrose & Gatsey Photo
Downing Sallie   Mar 1864 D of Ambrose & Gatsey Downing
Kell Catharine K Downing 1852 April 1880 D of Ambrose & Gatsey Downing
W of William Kell
Parris Mahala C Morton July 1812 12/28/1892 W of Malachi
Parris Malachi C 1813 1864 Encloseure plot is believed to be that of Malachi
H of Mahala
Pierce Leatha     D of Salina
Readen Leatha Mae Parris 1/13/1856 1890 D of Malachi & Mahala; Also married John Readen
Readen Salina Emaline Parris 6/22/1838 3/13/1892 D of Malachi/Mahala Parris; Married John Readen Photo
Readen unknown unknown unknown photo
unknown unknown unknown unknown no stone.

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