Robert Lee WOLFE, Jr © The Stilwell Democrat Journal January 10, 1980 Submitted by: Wanda Elliott
Robert Lee WOLFE, Jr
September 01, 1956 - January 1, 1980
Services for Robert Lee WOLFE, Jr., 29 who was killed January 1 in a traffic accident near Buffalo, Okla., were held January 5, in the Roberts Funeral Chapel in Stilwell.
Bro. Andy GONZALIS officiated, and interment was in the Chuculate Cemetery.Survivors include: his mother, Mrs. Sarah WESLEY, Stilwell; his stepfather, Leon WESLEY, Stilwell; his father, Robert Lee WOLFE, Stilwell; and six sisters, Linda FOURKILLER, Nina Beatrice WOLFE, and Cindy Lee WOLFE, all of Denver, Colo., Mamie MANUS, Tahlequah, and Sandra Jo HOGNER and Wanda Gail WOLFE, both of Stilwell.
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